Atoms Crowd  7.0.0
1 // ===========================================================================
2 // Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Toolchefs Ltd. All rights reserved.
3 //
4 // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Toolchefs license
5 // agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
6 // otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
7 // ===========================================================================
8 #pragma once
9 #include <ToolchefsSTL/Globals.h>
10 #include <ToolchefsSTL/String.h>
12 namespace ToolchefsSTL
13 {
14  class TOOLCHEFSSTL_EXPORT StringStream
15  {
16  public:
18  StringStream(Allocator* allocator = defaultAllocator()) noexcept;
20  const String& str() const noexcept;
22  StringStream& operator<<(const ToolchefsSTL::String& value);
23  StringStream& operator<<(const char* value);
24  StringStream& operator<<(const char value);
25  StringStream& operator<<(const double value);
26  StringStream& operator<<(const int value);
27  StringStream& operator<<(const unsigned int value);
28 #ifndef ATOMS_32
29  StringStream& operator<<(const size_t value);
30  StringStream& operator<<(const long long value);
31 #endif
32  StringStream& operator<<(const bool value);
34  StringStream& operator<<(const float value);
35  StringStream& operator<<(const short value);
36  StringStream& operator<<(const unsigned short value);
37  StringStream& operator<<(const long value);
39  private:
41  String m_str;
42  };
43 }
Definition: Allocator.h:10
Definition: String.h:19
Definition: StringStream.h:15