Atoms Crowd  7.0.0
Euler< T > Class Template Reference

#include <ImathEuler.h>

Inheritance diagram for Euler< T >:
Vec3< T >

Public Types

enum  Order {
  XYZ = 0x0101 , XZY = 0x0001 , YZX = 0x1101 , YXZ = 0x1001 ,
  ZXY = 0x2101 , ZYX = 0x2001 , XZX = 0x0011 , XYX = 0x0111 ,
  YXY = 0x1011 , YZY = 0x1111 , ZYZ = 0x2011 , ZXZ = 0x2111 ,
  XYZr = 0x2000 , XZYr = 0x2100 , YZXr = 0x1000 , YXZr = 0x1100 ,
  ZXYr = 0x0000 , ZYXr = 0x0100 , XZXr = 0x2110 , XYXr = 0x2010 ,
  YXYr = 0x1110 , YZYr = 0x1010 , ZYZr = 0x0110 , ZXZr = 0x0010 ,
  Legal , Min = 0x0000 , Max = 0x2111 , Default = XYZ
enum  Axis { X = 0 , Y = 1 , Z = 2 }
enum  InputLayout { XYZLayout , IJKLayout }
- Public Types inherited from Vec3< T >
typedef T BaseType

Public Member Functions


All default to ZYX non-relative (ala Softimage 3D/Maya), where there is no argument to specify it.

The Euler-from-matrix constructors assume that the matrix does not include shear or non-uniform scaling, but the constructors do not examine the matrix to verify this assumption. If necessary, you can adjust the matrix by calling the removeScalingAndShear() function, defined in ImathMatrixAlgo.h.

constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Euler () noexcept
 No initialization by default.
 Copy constructor.
 Construct from given Order.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 Euler (const Vec3< T > &v, Order o=Default, InputLayout l=IJKLayout) noexcept
 Construct from vector, order, layout.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 Euler (T i, T j, T k, Order o=Default, InputLayout l=IJKLayout) noexcept
 Construct from explicit axes, order, layout.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 Euler (const Euler< T > &euler, Order newp) noexcept
 Copy constructor with new Order.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 Euler (const Matrix33< T > &, Order o=Default) noexcept
 Construct from Matrix33.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 Euler (const Matrix44< T > &, Order o=Default) noexcept
 Construct from Matrix44.
 ~Euler ()=default
Set Value
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void setOrder (Order) noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void setXYZVector (const Vec3< T > &) noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void set (Axis initial, bool relative, bool parityEven, bool firstRepeats) noexcept
 Set the value.
Assignments and Conversions
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Euler< T > & operator= (const Euler< T > &) noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Euler< T > & operator= (const Vec3< T > &) noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void extract (const Matrix33< T > &) noexcept
 Assign from Matrix33, assumed to be affine.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void extract (const Matrix44< T > &) noexcept
 Assign from Matrix44, assumed to be affine.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void extract (const Quat< T > &) noexcept
 Assign from Quaternion.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Matrix33< T > toMatrix33 () const noexcept
 Convert to Matrix33.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Matrix44< T > toMatrix44 () const noexcept
 Convert to Matrix44.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Quat< T > toQuat () const noexcept
 Convert to Quat.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3< T > toXYZVector () const noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from Vec3< T >
 Element access by index.

constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE const T & operator[] (int i) const noexcept
 Element access by index.

short length () const noexcept=delete
const Vec3< short > & normalize () noexcept=delete
const Vec3< short > & normalizeExc ()=delete
const Vec3< short > & normalizeNonNull () noexcept=delete
Vec3< short > normalized () const noexcept=delete
Vec3< short > normalizedExc () const=delete
Vec3< short > normalizedNonNull () const noexcept=delete
int length () const noexcept=delete
const Vec3< int > & normalize () noexcept=delete
const Vec3< int > & normalizeExc ()=delete
const Vec3< int > & normalizeNonNull () noexcept=delete
Vec3< int > normalized () const noexcept=delete
Vec3< int > normalizedExc () const=delete
Vec3< int > normalizedNonNull () const noexcept=delete
template<class S >
constexpr Vec3 (const Vec3< S > &v) noexcept
template<class S >
constexpr Vec3 (const Vec4< S > &v) noexcept
template<class S >
void setValue (S a, S b, S c) noexcept
template<class S >
void setValue (const Vec3< S > &v) noexcept
template<class S >
void getValue (S &a, S &b, S &c) const noexcept
template<class S >
void getValue (Vec3< S > &v) const noexcept
template<class S >
constexpr bool operator== (const Vec3< S > &v) const noexcept
template<class S >
constexpr bool operator!= (const Vec3< S > &v) const noexcept
 Uninitialized by default.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 (T a) noexcept
 Initialize to a scalar (a,a,a)
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 (T a, T b, T c) noexcept
 Initialize to given elements (a,b,c)
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 (const Vec3 &v) noexcept
 Copy constructor.
template<class S >
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 (const Vec3< S > &v) noexcept
 Construct from Vec3 of another base type.
template<class S >
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 (const Vec4< S > &v) noexcept
template<class S >
ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 Vec3 (const Vec4< S > &v, InfException)
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Vec3operator= (const Vec3 &v) noexcept
 ~Vec3 () noexcept=default
template<class S >
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void setValue (S a, S b, S c) noexcept
 Set the value.
template<class S >
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void setValue (const Vec3< S > &v) noexcept
 Set the value.
template<class S >
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void getValue (S &a, S &b, S &c) const noexcept
 Return the value in a, b, and c
template<class S >
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void getValue (Vec3< S > &v) const noexcept
 Return the value in v
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T * getValue () noexcept
 Return a raw pointer to the array of values.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE const T * getValue () const noexcept
 Return a raw pointer to the array of values.
template<class S >
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE bool operator== (const Vec3< S > &v) const noexcept
template<class S >
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE bool operator!= (const Vec3< S > &v) const noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 bool equalWithAbsError (const Vec3< T > &v, T e) const noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 bool equalWithRelError (const Vec3< T > &v, T e) const noexcept
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T dot (const Vec3 &v) const noexcept
 Dot product.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T operator^ (const Vec3 &v) const noexcept
 Dot product.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 cross (const Vec3 &v) const noexcept
 Right-handed cross product.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Vec3operator%= (const Vec3 &v) noexcept
 Right-handed cross product.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 operator% (const Vec3 &v) const noexcept
 Right-handed cross product.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Vec3operator+= (const Vec3 &v) noexcept
 Component-wise addition.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 operator+ (const Vec3 &v) const noexcept
 Component-wise addition.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Vec3operator-= (const Vec3 &v) noexcept
 Component-wise subtraction.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 operator- (const Vec3 &v) const noexcept
 Component-wise subtraction.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 operator- () const noexcept
 Component-wise multiplication by -1.
 Component-wise multiplication by -1.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Vec3operator*= (const Vec3 &v) noexcept
 Component-wise multiplication.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Vec3operator*= (T a) noexcept
 Component-wise multiplication.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 operator* (const Vec3 &v) const noexcept
 Component-wise multiplication.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 operator* (T a) const noexcept
 Component-wise multiplication.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Vec3operator/= (const Vec3 &v) noexcept
 Component-wise division.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 const Vec3operator/= (T a) noexcept
 Component-wise division.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 operator/ (const Vec3 &v) const noexcept
 Component-wise division.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3 operator/ (T a) const noexcept
 Component-wise division.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T length () const noexcept
 Return the Euclidean norm.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T length2 () const noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE const Vec3normalize () noexcept
 Normalize in place. If length()==0, return a null vector.
const Vec3normalizeExc ()
 Normalize in place. If length()==0, throw an exception.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE const Vec3normalizeNonNull () noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3< T > normalized () const noexcept
 Return a normalized vector. Does not modify *this.
Vec3< T > normalizedExc () const
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3< T > normalizedNonNull () const noexcept

Protected Attributes

bool _frameStatic: 1
 relative or static rotations
bool _initialRepeated: 1
 init axis repeated as last
bool _parityEven: 1
 "parity of axis permutation"
Axis _initialAxis: 2
 First axis of rotation.


 Return the order.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE bool frameStatic () const
 Return frameStatic.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE bool initialRepeated () const
 Return intialRepeated.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE bool parityEven () const
 Return partityEven.
constexpr ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Axis initialAxis () const
 Return initialAxis.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void angleOrder (int &i, int &j, int &k) const noexcept
 Unpack angles from ijk form.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void angleMapping (int &i, int &j, int &k) const noexcept
 Determine mapping from xyz to ijk (reshuffle the xyz to match the order)
constexpr static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE bool legal (Order) noexcept
 Return whether the given value is a legal Order.

Utility Methods

Utility methods for getting continuous rotations. None of these methods change the orientation given by its inputs (or at least that is the intent).

ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void makeNear (const Euler< T > &target) noexcept
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE static ATOMSMATH_CONSTEXPR14 float angleMod (T angle) noexcept
 Convert an angle to its equivalent in [-PI, PI].
static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void simpleXYZRotation (Vec3< T > &xyzRot, const Vec3< T > &targetXyzRot) noexcept
 Adjust xyzRot so that its components differ from targetXyzRot by no more than +/-PI.
static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void nearestRotation (Vec3< T > &xyzRot, const Vec3< T > &targetXyzRot, Order order=XYZ) noexcept

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Vec3< T >
constexpr static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE unsigned int dimensions () noexcept
 Return the number of dimensions, i.e. 3.
constexpr static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T baseTypeLowest () noexcept
 Largest possible negative value.
constexpr static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T baseTypeMax () noexcept
 Largest possible positive value.
constexpr static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T baseTypeSmallest () noexcept
 Smallest possible positive value.
constexpr static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE T baseTypeEpsilon () noexcept
 Smallest possible e for which 1+e != 1.
- Public Attributes inherited from Vec3< T >

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class Euler< T >

Template class Euler<T>

This class represents euler angle orientations. The class inherits from Vec3 to it can be freely cast. The additional information is the euler priorities rep. This class is essentially a rip off of Ken Shoemake's GemsIV code. It has been modified minimally to make it more understandable, but hardly enough to make it easy to grok completely.

There are 24 possible combonations of Euler angle representations of which 12 are common in CG and you will probably only use 6 of these which in this scheme are the non-relative-non-repeating types.

The representations can be partitioned according to two criteria:

1) Are the angles measured relative to a set of fixed axis or relative to each other (the latter being what happens when rotation matrices are multiplied together and is almost ubiquitous in the cg community)

2) Is one of the rotations repeated (ala XYX rotation)

When you construct a given representation from scratch you must order the angles according to their priorities. So, the easiest is a softimage or aerospace (yaw/pitch/roll) ordering of ZYX.

float x_rot = 1;
float y_rot = 2;
float z_rot = 3;

Eulerf angles(z_rot, y_rot, x_rot, Eulerf::ZYX);


Eulerf angles( V3f(z_rot,y_rot,z_rot), Eulerf::ZYX );

If instead, the order was YXZ for instance you would have to do this:

float x_rot = 1;
float y_rot = 2;
float z_rot = 3;

Eulerf angles(y_rot, x_rot, z_rot, Eulerf::YXZ);


Eulerf angles( V3f(y_rot,x_rot,z_rot), Eulerf::YXZ );

Notice how the order you put the angles into the three slots should correspond to the enum (YXZ) ordering. The input angle vector is called the "ijk" vector – not an "xyz" vector. The ijk vector order is the same as the enum. If you treat the Euler as a Vec3 (which it inherts from) you will find the angles are ordered in the same way, i.e.:

V3f v = angles;
v.x == y_rot, v.y == x_rot, v.z == z_rot

If you just want the x, y, and z angles stored in a vector in that order, you can do this:

V3f v = angles.toXYZVector()
v.x == x_rot, v.y == y_rot, v.z == z_rot

If you want to set the Euler with an XYZVector use the optional layout argument:

Eulerf angles(x_rot, y_rot, z_rot, Eulerf::YXZ, Eulerf::XYZLayout);

This is the same as:

Eulerf angles(y_rot, x_rot, z_rot, Eulerf::YXZ);

Note that this won't do anything intelligent if you have a repeated axis in the euler angles (e.g. XYX)

If you need to use the "relative" versions of these, you will need to use the "r" enums.

The units of the rotation angles are assumed to be radians.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Axis

template<class T >
enum Euler::Axis


◆ InputLayout

template<class T >
enum Euler::InputLayout


◆ Order

template<class T >
enum Euler::Order

All 24 possible orderings

Member Function Documentation

◆ makeNear()

template<class T >
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void Euler< T >::makeNear ( const Euler< T > &  target)

Adjusts "this" Euler so that its components differ from target by as little as possible. This method might not make sense for Eulers with different order and it probably doesn't work for repeated axis and relative orderings (TODO).

◆ nearestRotation()

template<class T >
static ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void Euler< T >::nearestRotation ( Vec3< T > &  xyzRot,
const Vec3< T > &  targetXyzRot,
Order  order = XYZ 

Adjust xyzRot so that its components differ from targetXyzRot by as little as possible. Note that xyz here really means ijk, because the order must be provided.

◆ setOrder()

template<class T >
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void Euler< T >::setOrder ( Order  )

Set the order. This does NOT convert the angles, but it does reorder the input vector.

◆ setXYZVector()

template<class T >
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void Euler< T >::setXYZVector ( const Vec3< T > &  )

Set the euler value: set the first angle to v[0], the second to v[1], the third to v[2].

◆ toXYZVector()

template<class T >
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Vec3<T> Euler< T >::toXYZVector ( ) const

Reorder the angles so that the X rotation comes first, followed by the Y and Z in cases like XYX ordering, the repeated angle will be in the "z" component

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: