Atoms Crowd  7.0.0
Rand32 Class Reference

#include <ImathRandom.h>

Public Member Functions

ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE Rand32 (unsigned long int seed=0)
 Constructor, given a seed.
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE void init (unsigned long int seed)
 Re-initialize with a given seed.
 Get the next value in the sequence (range: [false, true])
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE unsigned long int nexti ()
 Get the next value in the sequence (range: [0 ... 0xffffffff])
 Get the next value in the sequence (range: [0 ... 1[)
ATOMSMATH_HOSTDEVICE float nextf (float rangeMin, float rangeMax)
 Get the next value in the sequence (range [rangeMin ... rangeMax[)

Detailed Description

Fast random-number generator that generates a uniformly distributed sequence with a period length of 2^32.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: