Atoms Crowd  7.0.0

Metadatas are one of the basic entities in Atoms. They wrap basic data types and inherit the basic object AtomsCore::Metadata.

The basic Metadata class has functions to clone, copy, serialize etc.

These are the basic metadata type that can be used inside Atoms:

  • BoolMetadata
  • BoolArrayMetadata
  • IntMetadata
  • IntArrayMetadata
  • DoubleMetadata
  • DoubleArrayMetadata
  • Vector3Metadata
  • Vector3ArrayMetadata
  • EulerMetadata
  • EulerArrayMetadata
  • QuaternionMetadata
  • QuaternionArrayMetadata
  • MatrixMetadata
  • MatrixArrayMetadata
  • BoxMetadata
  • BoxArrayMetadata
  • CurveMetadata
  • CurveArrayetadata
  • MeshMetadata
  • MeshArrayMetadata
  • ImageMetadata
  • PoseMetadata
  • SkeletonMetadata

These are container metadata types:

  • MapMetadata
  • ArrayMetadata

Creating metadatas

You can create metadatas using the constructor of each type or you can use the metadata factory. Every metadata type has a unique typeId, it's used to register the metadata inside the metadata factory. Since the serialization code relies on this factory.

AtomsCore::IntMetadata intMeta(5);
AtomsCore::DoubleMetadata doubleMeta(654.4);
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Metadata> data = factory.createMetadata(AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata::staticTypeId());</pre>
Metadata factory.
Definition: MetadataFactory.h:23
static MetadataFactory & instance()
Singleton access.
AtomsPtr< Metadata > createMetadata(const std::string &typeName)
Create a metadata.


The MapMetadata is a map container for metadatas. It can store different metadata types at the same time. It uses strings as keys.

To insert data inside a MapMetadata use the addEntry function. This function can clone the input metadata or store directly the input smart pointer, increasing the reference counter.

// Insert element cloning the data
mapMeta.addEnetry("myKey1", &AtomsCore::IntMetadata(4));
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::DoubleMetadata> doubleMeta(new AtomsCore::DoubleMetadata(5.7));
// Insert element cloning the data
mapMeta.addEntry("myKey2", std::static_pointer_cast<AtomsCore::Metadata>(doubleMeta), true);
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> vecMeta(new AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata(AtomsCore::Vector3(1,0,0));
// Insert element without cloning, copying the smart pointer and increasing the reference counter
mapMeta.addEntry("myKey3", std::static_pointer_cast<AtomsCore::Metadata>(vecMeta), false);</pre>
MapMetadata class.
Definition: MapMetadata.h:24
void addEntry(const Key &key, AtomsPtr< Metadata > &data, bool cloneData=true)
Add an entry.
AtomsMath::Vector3 Vector3
Vector3 class.
Definition: AtomsMath.h:57

To get an entry from the map, use the getEntry or getTypedEntry function

AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> vecData = mapMeta.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("myKey3");
AtomsPtr<Metadata> intData = mapMeta.getEntry("myKey1");
AtomsPtr< Metadata > getEntry(const Key &key)
Get an entry.
AtomsPtr< T > getTypedEntry(const Key &key)
Get a typed entry.
Definition: MapMetadata.impl.h:4


The array metadata is similar to the MapMetadata but it stores metadata in a vector rather than a map.

Creating a new metadata type

To create a new metadata type you must inherit the base Metadata class and register the new type in the metadata factory.

include <AtomsCore/Metadata/MetadataImpl.h>
class FooData
float a;
double b;
char c;
template<> bool AtomsCore::MetadataImpl<FooData>::serialise(Archive& outStream) const;
template<> bool AtomsCore::MetadataImpl<FooData>::deserialise(Archive& inStream);
template<> size_t MetadataImpl<FooData>::memSize() const;
template<> void AtomsCore::MetadataImpl<FooData>::toString(std::stringstream& inStream) const;
template<> std::string AtomsCore::MetadataImpl<FooData>::staticTypeStr() { return "FooMetadata"; }
template<> unsigned int AtomsCore::MetadataImpl<FooData>::staticTypeId() { return 9999999; }
template<> bool AtomsCore::MetadataImpl<FooData>::serialise(Archive& outStream) const
if (outStream.size == 0)
// the type id must be the first data to serialise
outStream << typeId();
outStream << m_value.a;
outStream << m_value.b;
outStream << m_value.c;
template<> bool AtomsCore::MetadataImpl<FooData>::deserialise(Archive& inStream)
unsigned int typeIdValue;
inStream >> typeIdValue;
if (typeIdValue != staticTypeId())
return false;
inStream >> m_value.a;
inStream >> m_value.b;
inStream >> m_value.c;
return true;
template<> void AtomsCore::MetadataImpl<FooData>::toString(std::stringstream& inStream) const
inStream << "FooData: a - " << m_value.a << " b - " << m_value.b << " c - " << m_value.c;
template<> size_t TypedArrayMetadata<FooData>::memSize() const
return sizeof(unsigned int) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(double) + sizeof(char); //typeid + a + b + c
void registerFooMetadata()
MetadataFactory& factory = MetadataFactory::instance();
factory.registerMetadata(FooMetadata::staticTypeStr(), FooMetadata::staticTypeId(), &FooMetadata::creator);
Metadata template class.
Definition: MetadataImpl.h:158
bool serialise(Archive &outArchive) const
Binary Serialise.
Definition: MetadataImpl.impl.h:100
bool deserialise(Archive &inStream)
Binary Deserialise.
Definition: MetadataImpl.impl.h:113
virtual void toString(std::stringstream &ss) const
String conversion.
Definition: MetadataImpl.impl.h:122
static unsigned int staticTypeId()
Class static type string.
static std::string staticTypeStr()
Class static type string.
AtomsCore namespace.
Definition: Agent.h:344