Atoms Crowd  7.0.0
Writing an agent operator

An Atoms operator is a specialized Atoms graph node having a built-in out pose port and specific functions to access the owner agent.

This example operator adds an offset to a joint transform.

#include <AtomsGraph/Ports.h>
#include <Atoms/Globals.h>
#include <Atoms/Graph/Operator.h>
class JointOffsetOperator : public Atoms::Operator
virtual ~JointOffsetOperator();
bool compute();
AtomsGraph::StringPort *m_jointName;
AtomsGraph::MatrixPort *m_offsetMatrix;
AtomsGraph::BooleanPort *m_worldSpace;
int m_jointId;
bool m_first;
// this must be unique
unsigned int JointOffsetOperator::staticTypeId() { return JOINT_OFFSET_OPERATOR_ID; }
std::string JointOffsetOperator::staticTypeStr() { return std::string("JointOffsetOperator"); }
JointOffsetOperator::JointOffsetOperator() : Operator()
m_jointName= new AtomsGraph::StringPort("jointName");
m_offsetMatrix = new AtomsGraph::MatrixPort("offsetMatrix");
m_inPose = new AtomsGraph::PosePort("inPose");
m_worldSpace = new AtomsGraph::BooleanPort("worldSpace");
addInputPort(m_worldSpace );
m_jointId= -1;
m_first = true;
bool JointConstraintOperator::compute()
AtomsCore::Pose &inPose = m_inPose->getRef();
if (inPose.numJoints() == 0)
AtomsUtils::Logger::warning() << "Empty input pose";
return false;
AtomsCore::Pose &outPose = m_outPose->getRef();
// Copy the input pose to the out pose port
outPose = inPose;
// Check if the agent and the agent type are valid
if (!m_agent)
AtomsUtils::Logger::error() << "Invalid agent type";
return false;
AtomsUtils::Logger::error() << "Invalid agent type";
return false;
// Get the skeleton from the agent type
const AtomsCore::Skeleton& skeleton = m_agent->agentType()->skeleton();
if (m_first)
m_jointId = skeleton.jointId(m_targetJoint->getRef());
if (m_jointId == -1)
Logger::error() << "Could not find " << m_targetJoint->getRef() << "joint.";
return false;
if (worldSpace->get())
// Compute the offset in world space
AtomsCore::Poser poser(&skeleton);
AtomsCore::Matrix currentMtx = poser.getWorldMatrix(pose, jointId);
poser.setWorldMatrix(pose, m_offsetMatrix->getRef()* currentMtx, jointIdTmp);
// Compute the offset in local space
AtomsCore::JointPose& jp = outPose.jointPose(m_jointId);
jp.setMatrix(m_offsetMatrix->getRef() * jp.matrix());
return true;
Operator node.
Definition: Operator.h:26
Joint pose.
Definition: JointPose.h:20
void setMatrix(const Matrix &matrix)
Sets the joint matrix.
Matrix matrix() const
Gets the joint matrix.
Pose class.
Definition: Pose.h:32
unsigned short numJoints() const
Gets the number of joints.
Definition: Pose.impl.h:12
JointPose & jointPose(unsigned short index)
Gets the joint pose.
Definition: Pose.impl.h:17
Poser class.
Definition: Poser.h:24
Skeleton class.
Definition: Skeleton.h:68
int jointId(const std::string &name) const
Gets the joint id.
Definition: Skeleton.impl.h:174
virtual bool compute(const ComputeData *computeData)
Compute function.
Generic node port class.
Definition: PortTemplate.h:24
static LogProxy warning()
Get logger proxy warning.
static LogProxy error()
Get logger proxy error.
AtomsMath::Matrix Matrix
Matrix class.
Definition: AtomsMath.h:63

The operator can be added by this custom behaviour module.

#include <Atoms/BehaviourModule.h>
class JointOffsetModule : public Atoms::BehaviourModule
JointOffsetModule ();
virtual ~JointOffsetModule ();
void agentsCreated(const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup = nullptr);
static Atoms::BehaviourModule* creator(const std::string& parameter);
Atoms::BehaviourModule* JointOffsetModule::creator(const std::string& parameter)
return new JointOffsetModule();
JointOffsetModule::JointOffsetModule() :
AtomsCore::StringMetadata jointName("");
addAttribute("jointName", &jointName, false);
AtomsCore::MatrixMetadata offsetMatrix;
addAttribute("offsetMatrix", &offsetMatrix, true);
AtomsCore::BoolMetadata worldSpace(false);
addAttribute("worldSpace", &worldSpace);
void JointOffsetModule::agentsCreated(const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup)
AtomsCore::MapMetadata& metadata = attributes();
const std::string& jointName= metadata.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::StringMetadata>("jointName")->get();
bool worldSpace = metadata.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::BoolMetadata>("worldSpace")->get();
AtomsCore::Matrix& offsetMatrix = metadata.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::MatrixMetadata>("offsetMatrix")->get();
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::MapMetadata> offsetMatrixOverrideMap = metadata.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::MapMetadata>("offsetMatrix_override");
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<unsigned int>(0, agents.size()),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<unsigned int>& r)
char groupIdChar[12];
std::string groupIdStr;
for (unsigned int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); i++)
Atoms::Agent* agent = agents[i];
// Get the agent dg network
Atoms::AgentBehaviourNetwork& network = agent->network();
// Get the last operator fron the dg
Atoms::Operator* endOperator = network.buildPoseNode();
// Create the joint offset operator
Atoms::JointOffsetOperator* jointOffset = static_cast<Atoms::JointOffsetOperator*>(network.manager().createNode(Atoms::JointOffsetOperator::staticTypeStr(), "jointOffset"));
// Connect the last operator to the joint offset operator
network.manager().connectAttr(endOperator->name(), "outPose", jointOffset ->name(), "inPose");
// Set the operator parameters
jointOffset->getInputPort<AtomsGraph::BooleanPort>("worldSpace")->set(worldSpace );
AtomsCore::Matrix agentOffsetMatrix = offsetMatrix;
// Check if the offset matrix is overridden
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::IntMetadata> groupIdPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::IntMetadata>(ATOMS_AGENT_GROUPID);
if (groupIdPtr)
sprintf(groupIdChar, "%d", groupIdPtr->value());
groupIdStr = groupIdChar;
if (offsetMatrixOverrideMap)
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::MatrixMetadata> offsetMatrixAgentMeta = offsetMatrixOverrideMap->getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::MatrixMetadata>(groupIdStr);
if (offsetMatrixAgentMeta)
offsetMatrix = offsetMatrixAgentMeta->get();
// Set the joint offset operator as the last operator to compute
extern "C"
ATOMSPLUGIN_EXPORT bool initializePlugin()
AtomsUtils::Logger::info() << "Loading Joint offset plugin";
// Register the node to the factory
manager.registerNode(JointConstraintOperator::staticTypeStr(), &JointConstraintOperator::creator);
moduleManager.registerBehaviourModule("SimpleJointOffset", &JointOffsetModule::creator, Atoms::JointOffsetModule::kNative);
return true;
ATOMSPLUGIN_EXPORT bool unitializePlugin()
AtomsUtils::Logger::info() << "Unloading Joint offset plugin";
// Deregister the node from the node factory
return true;
Agent group.
Definition: AgentGroup.h:36
Behaviour module.
Definition: BehaviourModule.h:32
virtual void agentsCreated(const std::vector< Agent * > &agents, AgentGroup *agentGroup=nullptr)
Agents Created.
Behaviour module factory.
Definition: BehaviourModules.h:22
bool deregisterBehaviourModule(const std::string &name)
Deregisters a Behaviour module type from the factory.
static BehaviourModules & instance()
Singleton access.
bool registerBehaviourModule(const std::string &moduleName, creatorFn func, unsigned int moduleType=kNative, bool replace=false, const std::string category="")
Registers a behaviour module in the factory.
MapMetadata class.
Definition: MapMetadata.h:24
AtomsPtr< T > getTypedEntry(const Key &key)
Get a typed entry.
Definition: MapMetadata.impl.h:4
Node factory.
Definition: NodeFactory.h:24
static NodeFactory & instance()
Singleton access.
void registerNode(const std::string &name, creatorFn funct)
Registers a node type.
void deregisterNode(const std::string &name)
Deregisters a node type.
static LogProxy info()
Get logger proxy info.
Atoms namespace.
Definition: Agent.h:29