Atoms Crowd  4.1.0
AtomsUtils::dtOffMeshLinkCreateParams Struct Reference

Public Attributes

float vertsA0 [3]
 Off-mesh connection vertices (point-point = A0 <> B0, segment-segment = A0-A1 <> B0-B1 ) [Unit: wu].
float vertsA1 [3]
float vertsB0 [3]
float vertsB1 [3]
float snapRadius
 Off-mesh connection radii. [Unit: wu].
float snapHeight
 Off-mesh connection height, less than 0 = use step height [Unit: wu].
unsigned int userID
 The user defined ids of the off-mesh connection.
unsigned short polyFlag
 User defined flags assigned to the polys of off-mesh connections.
unsigned char area
 User defined area ids assigned to the off-mesh connections.
unsigned char type
 Off-mesh connection type (point to point, segment to segment, bidirectional)

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