Atoms Crowd  4.1.0
AtomsUtils Namespace Reference

AtomsCore namespace. More...


class  Base64
 Base64 encode/decode. More...
class  BoxEdge
class  Bvh
struct  BVHNode
class  Curve
 Nurbs curve. More...
struct  dtBVNode
class  dtChunkArray
 A simple dynamic array of integers. More...
struct  dtCluster
 Cluster of polys. More...
struct  dtClusterLink
 Links between clusters. More...
struct  dtCompressedTile
struct  dtDynamicAreaCreateParams
class  dtFixedArray
class  dtIntArray
 A simple dynamic array of integers. More...
struct  dtLink
struct  dtMeshHeader
struct  dtMeshTile
class  dtNavMesh
struct  dtNavMeshCreateParams
struct  dtNavMeshParams
class  dtNavMeshQuery
struct  dtNode
class  dtNodePool
class  dtNodeQueue
struct  dtOffMeshConnection
struct  dtOffMeshLinkCreateParams
struct  dtOffMeshSegmentConnection
struct  dtPoly
struct  dtPolyDetail
 Defines the location of detail sub-mesh data within a dtMeshTile. More...
class  dtQueryFilter
struct  dtQueryFilterData
struct  dtQueryResult
struct  dtQueryResultPack
struct  dtQuerySpecialLinkFilter
class  dtScopedDelete
class  dtTileCache
struct  dtTileCacheAlloc
struct  dtTileCacheClusterSet
struct  dtTileCacheCompressor
struct  dtTileCacheContour
struct  dtTileCacheContourSet
struct  dtTileCacheDistanceField
struct  dtTileCacheLayer
struct  dtTileCacheLayerHeader
class  dtTileCacheLogContext
struct  dtTileCacheMeshProcess
struct  dtTileCacheObstacle
struct  dtTileCacheParams
struct  dtTileCachePolyMesh
struct  dtTileCachePolyMeshDetail
class  Edge
 Edge class. More...
class  Image
 Image class. More...
class  JSON
class  JSONValue
class  KdTreeAccel
class  KdTreeAccel_base
class  KdTreeNode
class  KdTreePoint
class  Logger
 Logger class. More...
class  LogProxy
 Logger proxy class. More...
class  LogType
 Log type class. More...
class  Mesh
 Mesh class. More...
struct  MortonCode
class  NavMesh
class  NavMeshPath
struct  ParallelForRange
class  PathSolver
class  PathSolverFilter
struct  rcClusterSet
struct  rcCompactCell
 Provides information on the content of a cell column in a compact heightfield. More...
struct  rcCompactHeightfield
struct  rcCompactSpan
 Represents a span of unobstructed space within a compact heightfield. More...
struct  rcConfig
class  rcContext
struct  rcContour
 Represents a simple, non-overlapping contour in field space. More...
struct  rcContourSet
struct  rcEdgeHit
struct  rcHeightfield
struct  rcHeightfieldLayer
struct  rcHeightfieldLayerSet
class  rcIntArray
 A simple dynamic array of integers. More...
struct  rcPolyMesh
struct  rcPolyMeshDetail
struct  rcRowExt
class  rcScopedDelete
class  rcScopedStructArrayDelete
struct  rcSpan
struct  rcSpanCache
struct  rcSpanData
struct  rcSpanPool
struct  rcTempSpan
struct  ReadTilesHelper
class  RecastContext
 Base64 encode/decode. More...
class  SAH
class  SampledCurve
 Nurbs curve. More...
class  Triangle
 Triangle class. More...
class  Triangle2
 Triangle 2D class. More...


typedef Edge< AtomsMath::Vector2f > Edge2
typedef Edge< AtomsMath::Vector3f > Edge3
typedef std::vector< JSONValue * > JSONArray
typedef std::map< std::wstring, JSONValue * > JSONObject
typedef std::vector< BoxEdgev_BoxEdge
typedef std::vector< v_BoxEdge > vv_BoxEdge
typedef std::vector< BoxEdge * > vp_BoxEdge
typedef std::vector< vp_BoxEdge > vvp_BoxEdge
typedef void *() dtAllocFunc(int size, dtAllocHint hint)
 A memory allocation function. More...
typedef void() dtFreeFunc(void *ptr)
typedef uint64_t Type_uint64
typedef Type_uint64 dtPolyRef
typedef Type_uint64 dtTileRef
typedef Type_uint64 dtClusterRef
 A handle to a cluster within a navigation mesh tile.
typedef unsigned short dtNodeIndex
typedef unsigned int dtStatus
typedef unsigned int dtObstacleRef
typedef unsigned int dtCompressedTileRef
typedef dtNavMeshQuery NavMeshQuery
typedef void *() rcAllocFunc(int size, rcAllocHint hint)
 A memory allocation function. More...
typedef void() rcFreeFunc(void *ptr)


enum  BVHNodeType { INTERNAL, LEAF }
enum  JSONType {
  JSONType_Null, JSONType_String, JSONType_Bool, JSONType_Number,
  JSONType_Array, JSONType_Object
enum  dtAllocHint { DT_ALLOC_PERM, DT_ALLOC_TEMP }
enum  dtTileFlags { DT_TILE_FREE_DATA = 0x01 }
 Vertex flags returned by dtNavMeshQuery::findStraightPath. More...
 Options for dtNavMeshQuery::findStraightPath. More...
 Flags representing the type of a navigation mesh polygon. More...
enum  dtDetailTriEdgeFlags { DT_DETAIL_EDGE_BOUNDARY = 0x01 }
enum  dtNodeFlags { DT_NODE_OPEN = 0x01, DT_NODE_CLOSED = 0x02 }
enum  dtCompressedTileFlags { DT_COMPRESSEDTILE_FREE_DATA = 0x01 }
 Flags for addTile. More...
enum  rcTimerLabel {
enum  rcBuildContoursFlags { RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES = 0x01, RC_CONTOUR_TESS_AREA_EDGES = 0x02 }
enum  rcFilterLowAreaFlags { RC_LOW_FILTER_SEED_SPANS = 0x01, RC_LOW_FILTER_POST_PROCESS = 0x02 }
enum  rcRasterizationFlags { RC_PROJECT_TO_BOTTOM = 1 << 0 }
enum  rcAllocHint { RC_ALLOC_PERM, RC_ALLOC_TEMP }


ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector< AtomsMath::Vector3 > generateCurveSamples (const AtomsUtils::Curve &curve, size_t numSamples, size_t numPointPerSample, double sampleSpacing, size_t randNumPoint, size_t seed, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &randomSpace, double minDist, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &upVector, const bool returnTangentDirections, std::vector< AtomsMath::Vector3 > &sampleDirections)
 Generate poisson samples. More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Edge< T > &e)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool sphereRayIntersect (const AtomsMath::Vector3 &dir, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &orig, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &center, const double radius, double &t0, double &t1)
 Sphere ray intersector. More...
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool intersectPlane (const AtomsMath::Vector3 &n, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &p0, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &l0, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &l, double &t)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool intersectDisk (const AtomsMath::Vector3 &n, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &p0, const float &radius, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &l0, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &l)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool intersectTriangleDisk2d (const AtomsMath::Vector3 &n, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &p0, const float &radius, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &v0, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &v1, const AtomsMath::Vector3 &v2)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT unsigned char * compressBuffer (unsigned char *input, size_t inBufferSize, size_t &outBufferSize)
 zlib compression
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT unsigned char * decompressBuffer (unsigned char *input, size_t inBufferSize, size_t &outBufferSize)
 zlib decompression
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector< AtomsMath::Vector3 > generateDartThrowSamples (const AtomsUtils::Mesh &mesh, const AtomsMath::Matrix &meshMatrix, float defaultRadius, float maxRadius, size_t seed, size_t numSamples, size_t iterations=10000, bool randomizeRadius=false, AtomsUtils::Image *densityMap=nullptr, AtomsUtils::Image *eraseMap=nullptr, double eraseThreshold=1.0)
 Generate poisson samples. More...
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector< AtomsMath::Vector3 > generateUVSamples (const Mesh &mesh, unsigned int numUSamples, unsigned int numVSamples, const bool generateUVData=false)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtAllocSetCustom (dtAllocFunc *allocFunc, dtFreeFunc *freeFunc)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void * dtAlloc (int size, dtAllocHint hint)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFree (void *ptr)
void dtMemCpy (void *dst, void *src, int size)
float dtMathFabsf (float x)
float dtMathSqrtf (float x)
float dtMathFloorf (float x)
float dtMathCeilf (float x)
float dtMathCosf (float x)
float dtMathSinf (float x)
float dtMathAtan2f (float y, float x)
bool dtMathIsfinite (float x)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtNavMeshdtAllocNavMesh ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeNavMesh (dtNavMesh *navmesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool dtCreateNavMeshData (dtNavMeshCreateParams *params, unsigned char **outData, int *outDataSize)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool dtNavMeshHeaderSwapEndian (unsigned char *data, const int dataSize)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool dtNavMeshDataSwapEndian (unsigned char *data, const int dataSize)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtNavMeshQuerydtAllocNavMeshQuery ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeNavMeshQuery (dtNavMeshQuery *query)
bool dtStatusSucceed (dtStatus status)
bool dtStatusFailed (dtStatus status)
bool dtStatusInProgress (dtStatus status)
bool dtStatusDetail (dtStatus status, unsigned int detail)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtTileCachedtAllocTileCache ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeTileCache (dtTileCache *tc)
int getDirOffsetX (int dir)
int getDirOffsetY (int dir)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCacheLayer (dtTileCacheCompressor *comp, dtTileCacheLayerHeader *header, const unsigned short *heights, const unsigned char *areas, const unsigned char *cons, unsigned char **outData, int *outDataSize)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeTileCacheLayer (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheLayer *layer)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtDecompressTileCacheLayer (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheCompressor *comp, unsigned char *compressed, const int compressedSize, dtTileCacheLayer **layerOut)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtTileCacheContourSetdtAllocTileCacheContourSet (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeTileCacheContourSet (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheContourSet *cset)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtTileCacheClusterSetdtAllocTileCacheClusterSet (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeTileCacheClusterSet (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheClusterSet *clusters)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtTileCachePolyMeshdtAllocTileCachePolyMesh (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeTileCachePolyMesh (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCachePolyMesh *lmesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtTileCachePolyMeshDetaildtAllocTileCachePolyMeshDetail (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeTileCachePolyMeshDetail (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCachePolyMeshDetail *dmesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtTileCacheDistanceFielddtAllocTileCacheDistanceField (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void dtFreeTileCacheDistanceField (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheDistanceField *dfield)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtMarkCylinderArea (dtTileCacheLayer &layer, const float *orig, const float cs, const float ch, const float *pos, const float radius, const float height, const unsigned char areaId)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtMarkBoxArea (dtTileCacheLayer &layer, const float *orig, const float cs, const float ch, const float *pos, const float *extent, const unsigned char areaId)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtMarkConvexArea (dtTileCacheLayer &layer, const float *orig, const float cs, const float ch, const float *verts, const int nverts, const float hmin, const float hmax, const unsigned char areaId)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtReplaceCylinderArea (dtTileCacheLayer &layer, const float *orig, const float cs, const float ch, const float *pos, const float radius, const float height, const unsigned char areaId, const unsigned char filterAreaId)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtReplaceBoxArea (dtTileCacheLayer &layer, const float *orig, const float cs, const float ch, const float *pos, const float *extent, const unsigned char areaId, const unsigned char filterAreaId)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtReplaceConvexArea (dtTileCacheLayer &layer, const float *orig, const float cs, const float ch, const float *verts, const int nverts, const float hmin, const float hmax, const unsigned char areaId, const unsigned char filterAreaId)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtReplaceArea (dtTileCacheLayer &layer, const unsigned char areaId, const unsigned char filterAreaId)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCacheDistanceField (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheLayer &layer, dtTileCacheDistanceField &dfield)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCacheRegions (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea, dtTileCacheLayer &layer, dtTileCacheDistanceField dfield)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCacheRegionsMonotone (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea, dtTileCacheLayer &layer)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCacheRegionsChunky (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea, dtTileCacheLayer &layer, int regionChunkSize)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCacheContours (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheLayer &layer, const int walkableClimb, const float maxError, const float cs, const float ch, dtTileCacheContourSet &lcset, dtTileCacheClusterSet &lclusters)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCachePolyMesh (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheLogContext *ctx, dtTileCacheContourSet &lcset, dtTileCachePolyMesh &mesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCachePolyMeshDetail (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, const float cs, const float ch, const float sampleDist, const float sampleMaxError, dtTileCacheLayer &layer, dtTileCachePolyMesh &lmesh, dtTileCachePolyMeshDetail &dmesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT dtStatus dtBuildTileCacheClusters (dtTileCacheAlloc *alloc, dtTileCacheClusterSet &lclusters, dtTileCachePolyMesh &lmesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool dtTileCacheHeaderSwapEndian (unsigned char *data, const int dataSize)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcAllocSetCustom (rcAllocFunc *allocFunc, rcFreeFunc *freeFunc)
void * rcAlloc (int size, rcAllocHint hint)
void rcFree (void *ptr)
void rcMemCpy (void *dst, void *src, int size)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string solvePath (const std::string &path)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector< AtomsMath::Vector3 > generatePoissonPoints (size_t NumPoints, float radius, int NewPointsCount=30, short shape=0, float MinDist=-1.0f, unsigned int seed=0, const unsigned char *pixels=nullptr, short numChannels=3, unsigned int imageWidth=0, unsigned int imageHeight=0)
 Generate poisson samples. More...
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void setParallelForDispatcher (const std::function< void(const ParallelForRange &rg, const std::function< void(const ParallelForRange &)> &)> &body)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void parallel_for (const ParallelForRange &rg, const std::function< void(const ParallelForRange &)> &body)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T >::iterator findInVector (typename std::vector< T >::iterator itBegin, typename std::vector< T >::iterator itEnd, const T &value)
std::vector< std::string >::iterator findInVector (typename std::vector< std::string >::iterator itBegin, typename std::vector< std::string >::iterator itEnd, const std::string &value)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string expandEnvironmentVariables (const std::string &s)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string replaceString (const std::string &s, const std::string &source, const std::string &dest)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void splitString (const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector< std::string > &elems)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void splitString (const std::string s, const std::string &delim, std::vector< std::string > &elems)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool fileExists (const char *filename)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool dirExists (const char *pathname)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool mkDir (const char *pathname)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool envVariableExists (const char *envName)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string fileExtension (const std::string &filename)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string fileDirectory (const std::string &filename)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string fileBaseName (const std::string &filename, bool extension=true)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string wstringToString (const std::wstring &wstr)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::wstring stringToWString (const std::string str)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string toUpper (const std::string &s)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string toLower (const std::string &s)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string generateHash ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool checkHash (const std::string &hash)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool jsonHasKey (const std::wstring &wstr, const JSONObject &jsonObj)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector< std::string > getFilesFromFolder (const std::string &path, const std::string &extension)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector< std::string > getFolders (const std::string &path)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string eraseFromString (const std::string &s, char delim)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string eraseFromString (const std::string &s, const std::string &subString)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool simpleRegExp (const std::string &exp, const std::string &value)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool filterNames (const std::vector< std::string > &filters, const std::string &geoName)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::string getHostId ()
General helper functions
template<class T >
void dtSwap (T &a, T &b)
template<class T >
dtMin (T a, T b)
template<class T >
dtMax (T a, T b)
template<class T >
dtAbs (T a)
template<class T >
dtSqr (T a)
template<class T >
dtClamp (T v, T mn, T mx)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT float dtSqrt (float x)
template<class T >
void rcSwap (T &a, T &b)
template<class T >
rcMin (T a, T b)
template<class T >
rcMax (T a, T b)
template<class T >
rcAbs (T a)
template<class T >
rcSqr (T a)
template<class T >
rcClamp (T v, T mn, T mx)
float rcSqrt (float x)
Vector helper functions.
void dtVcross (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2)
float dtVdot (const float *v1, const float *v2)
void dtVmad (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2, const float s)
void dtVlerp (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2, const float t)
void dtVadd (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2)
void dtVsub (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2)
void dtVscale (float *dest, const float *v, const float t)
void dtVmin (float *mn, const float *v)
void dtVmax (float *mx, const float *v)
void dtVset (float *dest, const float x, const float y, const float z)
void dtVcopy (float *dest, const float *a)
float dtVlen (const float *v)
float dtVlenSqr (const float *v)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT float dtVdist (const float *v1, const float *v2)
float dtVdistSqr (const float *v1, const float *v2)
float dtVdist2D (const float *v1, const float *v2)
float dtVdist2DSqr (const float *v1, const float *v2)
void dtVnormalize (float *v)
bool dtVequal (const float *p0, const float *p1)
float dtVdot2D (const float *u, const float *v)
float dtVperp2D (const float *u, const float *v)
void rcVcross (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2)
float rcVdot (const float *v1, const float *v2)
void rcVmad (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2, const float s)
void rcVadd (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2)
void rcVsub (float *dest, const float *v1, const float *v2)
void rcVmin (float *mn, const float *v)
void rcVmax (float *mx, const float *v)
void rcVcopy (float *dest, const float *v)
float rcVdist (const float *v1, const float *v2)
float rcVdistSqr (const float *v1, const float *v2)
void rcVnormalize (float *v)
Computational geometry helper functions.
float dtTriArea2D (const float *a, const float *b, const float *c)
bool dtOverlapQuantBounds (const unsigned short amin[3], const unsigned short amax[3], const unsigned short bmin[3], const unsigned short bmax[3])
bool dtOverlapBounds (const float *amin, const float *amax, const float *bmin, const float *bmax)
void dtClosestPtPointTriangle (float *closest, const float *p, const float *a, const float *b, const float *c)
bool dtClosestHeightPointTriangle (const float *p, const float *a, const float *b, const float *c, float &h)
bool dtIntersectSegmentPoly2D (const float *p0, const float *p1, const float *verts, int nverts, float &tmin, float &tmax, int &segMin, int &segMax)
bool dtIntersectSegSeg2D (const float *ap, const float *aq, const float *bp, const float *bq, float &s, float &t)
bool dtPointInPolygon (const float *pt, const float *verts, const int nverts)
bool dtDistancePtPolyEdgesSqr (const float *pt, const float *verts, const int nverts, float *ed, float *et)
float dtDistancePtSegSqr2D (const float *pt, const float *p, const float *q, float &t)
float dtDistancePtSegSqr (const float *pt, const float *p, const float *q)
void dtCalcPolyCenter (float *tc, const unsigned short *idx, int nidx, const float *verts)
bool dtOverlapPolyPoly2D (const float *polya, const int npolya, const float *polyb, const int npolyb)
Miscellanious functions.
unsigned int dtNextPow2 (unsigned int v)
unsigned int dtIlog2 (unsigned int v)
int dtAlign4 (int x)
int dtOppositeTile (int side)
void dtSwapByte (unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b)
void dtSwapEndian (unsigned short *v)
void dtSwapEndian (short *v)
void dtSwapEndian (unsigned int *v)
void dtSwapEndian (int *v)
void dtSwapEndian (float *v)
void dtRandomPointInConvexPoly (const float *pts, const int npts, float *areas, const float s, const float t, float *out)
Allocation Functions

Functions used to allocate and de-allocate Recast objects.

See also
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcHeightfieldrcAllocHeightfield ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFreeHeightField (rcHeightfield *hf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcCompactHeightfieldrcAllocCompactHeightfield ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFreeCompactHeightfield (rcCompactHeightfield *chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcHeightfieldLayerSetrcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet (rcHeightfieldLayerSet *lset)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcContourSetrcAllocContourSet ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFreeContourSet (rcContourSet *cset)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcClusterSetrcAllocClusterSet ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFreeClusterSet (rcClusterSet *clset)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcPolyMeshrcAllocPolyMesh ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFreePolyMesh (rcPolyMesh *pmesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcPolyMeshDetailrcAllocPolyMeshDetail ()
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFreePolyMeshDetail (rcPolyMeshDetail *dmesh)
Heightfield Functions
See also
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcCalcBounds (const float *verts, int nv, float *bmin, float *bmax)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcCalcGridSize (const float *bmin, const float *bmax, float cs, int *w, int *h)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcCreateHeightfield (rcContext *ctx, rcHeightfield &hf, int width, int height, const float *bmin, const float *bmax, float cs, float ch)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcResetHeightfield (rcHeightfield &hf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcMarkWalkableTriangles (rcContext *ctx, const float walkableSlopeAngle, const float *verts, int nv, const int *tris, int nt, unsigned char *areas)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcMarkWalkableTrianglesCos (rcContext *ctx, const float walkableSlopeCos, const float *verts, int nv, const int *tris, int nt, unsigned char *areas)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcClearUnwalkableTriangles (rcContext *ctx, const float walkableSlopeAngle, const float *verts, int nv, const int *tris, int nt, unsigned char *areas)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcAddSpan (rcContext *ctx, rcHeightfield &hf, const int x, const int y, const unsigned short smin, const unsigned short smax, const unsigned char area, const int flagMergeThr)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcAddSpans (rcContext *ctx, rcHeightfield &hf, const int flagMergeThr, const rcSpanCache *cachedSpans, const int nspans)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT int rcCountSpans (rcContext *ctx, rcHeightfield &hf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcCacheSpans (rcContext *ctx, rcHeightfield &hf, rcSpanCache *cachedSpans)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcRasterizeTriangle (rcContext *ctx, const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield &solid, const int flagMergeThr=1)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcRasterizeTriangles (rcContext *ctx, const float *verts, const int nv, const int *tris, const unsigned char *areas, const int nt, rcHeightfield &solid, const int flagMergeThr=1, const int rasterizationFlags=0)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcRasterizeTriangles (rcContext *ctx, const float *verts, const int nv, const unsigned short *tris, const unsigned char *areas, const int nt, rcHeightfield &solid, const int flagMergeThr=1, const int rasterizationFlags=0)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcRasterizeTriangles (rcContext *ctx, const float *verts, const unsigned char *areas, const int nt, rcHeightfield &solid, const int flagMergeThr=1)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles (rcContext *ctx, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield &solid)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFilterLedgeSpans (rcContext *ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield &solid)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans (rcContext *ctx, int walkableHeight, rcHeightfield &solid)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpansSequences (rcContext *ctx, int walkableHeight, rcHeightfield &solid)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT int rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount (rcContext *ctx, rcHeightfield &hf)
Compact Heightfield Functions
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildCompactHeightfield (rcContext *ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield &hf, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcErodeWalkableArea (rcContext *ctx, int radius, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcErodeWalkableAndLowAreas (rcContext *ctx, int radius, unsigned int height, unsigned char areaId, unsigned char filterFlags, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcMedianFilterWalkableArea (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcMarkLowAreas (rcContext *ctx, unsigned int height, unsigned char areaId, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcMarkBoxArea (rcContext *ctx, const float *bmin, const float *bmax, unsigned char areaId, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcMarkConvexPolyArea (rcContext *ctx, const float *verts, const int nverts, const float hmin, const float hmax, unsigned char areaId, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT int rcOffsetPoly (const float *verts, const int nverts, const float offset, float *outVerts, const int maxOutVerts)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcMarkCylinderArea (rcContext *ctx, const float *pos, const float r, const float h, unsigned char areaId, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcReplaceBoxArea (rcContext *ctx, const float *bmin, const float *bmax, unsigned char areaId, unsigned char filterAreaId, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcReplaceConvexPolyArea (rcContext *ctx, const float *verts, const int nverts, const float hmin, const float hmax, unsigned char areaId, unsigned char filterAreaId, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void rcReplaceCylinderArea (rcContext *ctx, const float *pos, const float r, const float h, unsigned char areaId, unsigned char filterAreaId, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildDistanceField (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildRegions (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf, const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildRegionsMonotone (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf, const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildRegionsChunky (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf, const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea, const int chunkSize)
void rcSetCon (rcCompactSpan &s, int dir, int i)
int rcGetCon (const rcCompactSpan &s, int dir)
int rcGetDirOffsetX (int dir)
int rcGetDirOffsetY (int dir)
Layer, Contour, Polymesh, and Detail Mesh Functions
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayers (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf, const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight, rcHeightfieldLayerSet &lset)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayersMonotone (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf, const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight, rcHeightfieldLayerSet &lset)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayersChunky (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf, const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight, const int chunkSize, rcHeightfieldLayerSet &lset)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildContours (rcContext *ctx, rcCompactHeightfield &chf, const float maxError, const int maxEdgeLen, rcContourSet &cset, const int flags=RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildClusters (rcContext *ctx, rcContourSet &cset, rcClusterSet &clusters)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildPolyMesh (rcContext *ctx, rcContourSet &cset, const int nvp, rcPolyMesh &mesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcMergePolyMeshes (rcContext *ctx, rcPolyMesh **meshes, const int nmeshes, rcPolyMesh &mesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcBuildPolyMeshDetail (rcContext *ctx, const rcPolyMesh &mesh, const rcCompactHeightfield &chf, const float sampleDist, const float sampleMaxError, rcPolyMeshDetail &dmesh)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcCopyPolyMesh (rcContext *ctx, const rcPolyMesh &src, rcPolyMesh &dst)
ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool rcMergePolyMeshDetails (rcContext *ctx, rcPolyMeshDetail **meshes, const int nmeshes, rcPolyMeshDetail &mesh)


Tile Serialization Constants

These constants are used to detect whether a navigation tile's data and state format is compatible with the current build.

Detailed Description

AtomsCore namespace.

AtomsUtils namespace.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dtAllocFunc

typedef void*() AtomsUtils::dtAllocFunc(int size, dtAllocHint hint)

A memory allocation function.

See also

◆ dtFreeFunc

typedef void() AtomsUtils::dtFreeFunc(void *ptr)

A memory deallocation function.

[in]ptrA pointer to a memory block previously allocated using dtAllocFunc.
See also

◆ rcAllocFunc

typedef void*() AtomsUtils::rcAllocFunc(int size, rcAllocHint hint)

A memory allocation function.

See also

◆ rcFreeFunc

typedef void() AtomsUtils::rcFreeFunc(void *ptr)

A memory deallocation function.

[in]ptrA pointer to a memory block previously allocated using rcAllocFunc.
See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dtAllocHint

Provides hint values to the memory allocator on how long the memory is expected to be used.


Memory persist after a function call.


Memory used temporarily within a function.

◆ dtCompressedTileFlags

Flags for addTile.


Navmesh owns the tile memory and should free it.

◆ dtDetailTriEdgeFlags


Detail triangle edge is part of the poly boundary.

◆ dtPolyTypes

Flags representing the type of a navigation mesh polygon.


The polygon is a standard convex polygon that is part of the surface of the mesh.


The polygon is an off-mesh connection consisting of two vertices.


The polygon is an off-mesh connection consisting of four vertices.

◆ dtStraightPathFlags

Vertex flags returned by dtNavMeshQuery::findStraightPath.


The vertex is the start position in the path.


The vertex is the end position in the path.


The vertex is the start of an off-mesh connection.

◆ dtStraightPathOptions

Options for dtNavMeshQuery::findStraightPath.


Add a vertex at every polygon edge crossing where area changes.


Add a vertex at every polygon edge crossing.

◆ dtTileFlags

Tile flags used for various functions and fields. For an example, see dtNavMesh::addTile().


The navigation mesh owns the tile memory and is responsible for freeing it.

◆ rcAllocHint

Provides hint values to the memory allocator on how long the memory is expected to be used.


Memory will persist after a function call.


Memory used temporarily within a function.

◆ rcBuildContoursFlags

Contour build flags.

See also

Tessellate solid (impassable) edges during contour simplification.


Tessellate edges between areas during contour simplification.

◆ rcFilterLowAreaFlags


initial seeding on spans


additional filtering at the end

◆ rcLogCategory

Recast log categories.

See also

A progress log entry.


A warning log entry.


An error log entry.

◆ rcRasterizationFlags


Will create spans from the triangle surface to the bottom of the heightfield.

◆ rcRegionPartitioning

Region partitioning methods

See also

monotone partitioning


watershed partitioning


monotone partitioning on small chunks

◆ rcTimerLabel

Recast performance timer categories.

See also

The user defined total time of the build.


A user defined build time.


The time to rasterize the triangles. (See: rcRasterizeTriangle)


The time to build the compact heightfield. (See: rcBuildCompactHeightfield)


The total time to build the contours. (See: rcBuildContours)


The time to trace the boundaries of the contours. (See: rcBuildContours)


The time to simplify the contours. (See: rcBuildContours)


The time to link clusters from contours. (See: rcBuildClusters)


The time to filter ledge spans. (See: rcFilterLedgeSpans)


The time to filter low height spans. (See: rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans)


The time to apply the median filter. (See: rcMedianFilterWalkableArea)


The time to filter low obstacles. (See: rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles)


The time to build the polygon mesh. (See: rcBuildPolyMesh)


The time to merge polygon meshes. (See: rcMergePolyMeshes)


The time to erode the walkable area. (See: rcErodeWalkableArea)


The time to mark a box area. (See: rcMarkBoxArea)


The time to mark a cylinder area. (See: rcMarkCylinderArea)


The time to mark a convex polygon area. (See: rcMarkConvexPolyArea)


The total time to build the distance field. (See: rcBuildDistanceField)


The time to build the distances of the distance field. (See: rcBuildDistanceField)


The time to blur the distance field. (See: rcBuildDistanceField)


The total time to build the regions. (See: rcBuildRegions, rcBuildRegionsMonotone)


The total time to apply the watershed algorithm. (See: rcBuildRegions)


The time to expand regions while applying the watershed algorithm. (See: rcBuildRegions)


The time to flood regions while applying the watershed algorithm. (See: rcBuildRegions)


The time to filter out small regions. (See: rcBuildRegions, rcBuildRegionsMonotone)


The time to build heightfield layers. (See: rcBuildHeightfieldLayers)


The time to build the polygon mesh detail. (See: rcBuildPolyMeshDetail)


The time to merge polygon mesh details. (See: rcMergePolyMeshDetails)


The maximum number of timers. (Used for iterating timers.)

Function Documentation

◆ dtAbs()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::dtAbs ( a)

Returns the absolute value.

[in]aThe value.
The absolute value of the specified value.

◆ dtAlloc()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void* AtomsUtils::dtAlloc ( int  size,
dtAllocHint  hint 

Allocates a memory block.

[in]sizeThe size, in bytes of memory, to allocate.
[in]hintA hint to the allocator on how long the memory is expected to be in use.
A pointer to the beginning of the allocated memory block, or null if the allocation failed.
See also

◆ dtAllocSetCustom()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::dtAllocSetCustom ( dtAllocFunc allocFunc,
dtFreeFunc freeFunc 

Sets the base custom allocation functions to be used by Detour.

[in]allocFuncThe memory allocation function to be used by dtAlloc
[in]freeFuncThe memory de-allocation function to be used by dtFree

◆ dtCalcPolyCenter()

void AtomsUtils::dtCalcPolyCenter ( float *  tc,
const unsigned short *  idx,
int  nidx,
const float *  verts 

Derives the centroid of a convex polygon.

[out]tcThe centroid of the polgyon. [(x, y, z)]
[in]idxThe polygon indices. [(vertIndex) * nidx]
[in]nidxThe number of indices in the polygon. [Limit: >= 3]
[in]vertsThe polygon vertices. [(x, y, z) * vertCount]

◆ dtClamp()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::dtClamp ( v,

Clamps the value to the specified range.

[in]vThe value to clamp.
[in]mnThe minimum permitted return value.
[in]mxThe maximum permitted return value.
The value, clamped to the specified range.

◆ dtClosestHeightPointTriangle()

bool AtomsUtils::dtClosestHeightPointTriangle ( const float *  p,
const float *  a,
const float *  b,
const float *  c,
float &  h 

Derives the y-axis height of the closest point on the triangle from the specified reference point.

[in]pThe reference point from which to test. [(x, y, z)]
[in]aVertex A of triangle ABC. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bVertex B of triangle ABC. [(x, y, z)]
[in]cVertex C of triangle ABC. [(x, y, z)]
[out]hThe resulting height.

◆ dtClosestPtPointTriangle()

void AtomsUtils::dtClosestPtPointTriangle ( float *  closest,
const float *  p,
const float *  a,
const float *  b,
const float *  c 

Derives the closest point on a triangle from the specified reference point.

[out]closestThe closest point on the triangle.
[in]pThe reference point from which to test. [(x, y, z)]
[in]aVertex A of triangle ABC. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bVertex B of triangle ABC. [(x, y, z)]
[in]cVertex C of triangle ABC. [(x, y, z)]

◆ dtFree()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::dtFree ( void *  ptr)

Deallocates a memory block.

[in]ptrA pointer to a memory block previously allocated using dtAlloc.
See also

◆ dtMax()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::dtMax ( a,

Returns the maximum of two values.

[in]aValue A
[in]bValue B
The maximum of the two values.

◆ dtMin()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::dtMin ( a,

Returns the minimum of two values.

[in]aValue A
[in]bValue B
The minimum of the two values.

◆ dtNavMeshDataSwapEndian()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::dtNavMeshDataSwapEndian ( unsigned char *  data,
const int  dataSize 

Swaps endianess of the tile data.

[in,out]dataThe tile data array.
[in]dataSizeThe size of the data array.

◆ dtNavMeshHeaderSwapEndian()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::dtNavMeshHeaderSwapEndian ( unsigned char *  data,
const int  dataSize 

Swaps the endianess of the tile data's header (#dtMeshHeader).

[in,out]dataThe tile data array.
[in]dataSizeThe size of the data array.

◆ dtOverlapBounds()

bool AtomsUtils::dtOverlapBounds ( const float *  amin,
const float *  amax,
const float *  bmin,
const float *  bmax 

Determines if two axis-aligned bounding boxes overlap.

[in]aminMinimum bounds of box A. [(x, y, z)]
[in]amaxMaximum bounds of box A. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bminMinimum bounds of box B. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bmaxMaximum bounds of box B. [(x, y, z)]
True if the two AABB's overlap.
See also

◆ dtOverlapPolyPoly2D()

bool AtomsUtils::dtOverlapPolyPoly2D ( const float *  polya,
const int  npolya,
const float *  polyb,
const int  npolyb 

Determines if the two convex polygons overlap on the xz-plane.

[in]polyaPolygon A vertices. [(x, y, z) * npolya]
[in]npolyaThe number of vertices in polygon A.
[in]polybPolygon B vertices. [(x, y, z) * npolyb]
[in]npolybThe number of vertices in polygon B.
True if the two polygons overlap.

◆ dtOverlapQuantBounds()

bool AtomsUtils::dtOverlapQuantBounds ( const unsigned short  amin[3],
const unsigned short  amax[3],
const unsigned short  bmin[3],
const unsigned short  bmax[3] 

Determines if two axis-aligned bounding boxes overlap.

[in]aminMinimum bounds of box A. [(x, y, z)]
[in]amaxMaximum bounds of box A. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bminMinimum bounds of box B. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bmaxMaximum bounds of box B. [(x, y, z)]
True if the two AABB's overlap.
See also

◆ dtPointInPolygon()

bool AtomsUtils::dtPointInPolygon ( const float *  pt,
const float *  verts,
const int  nverts 

Determines if the specified point is inside the convex polygon on the xz-plane.

[in]ptThe point to check. [(x, y, z)]
[in]vertsThe polygon vertices. [(x, y, z) * nverts]
[in]nvertsThe number of vertices. [Limit: >= 3]
True if the point is inside the polygon.

◆ dtSqr()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::dtSqr ( a)

Returns the square of the value.

[in]aThe value.
The square of the value.

◆ dtSqrt()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT float AtomsUtils::dtSqrt ( float  x)

Returns the square root of the value.

[in]xThe value.
The square root of the vlaue.

◆ dtSwap()

template<class T >
void AtomsUtils::dtSwap ( T &  a,
T &  b 

Swaps the values of the two parameters.

[in,out]aValue A
[in,out]bValue B

◆ dtTileCacheHeaderSwapEndian()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::dtTileCacheHeaderSwapEndian ( unsigned char *  data,
const int  dataSize 

Swaps the endianess of the compressed tile data's header (#dtTileCacheLayerHeader). Tile layer data does not need endian swapping as it consist only of bytes. not anymore, there are short types as well now

[in,out]dataThe tile data array.
[in]dataSizeThe size of the data array.

◆ dtTriArea2D()

float AtomsUtils::dtTriArea2D ( const float *  a,
const float *  b,
const float *  c 

Derives the signed xz-plane area of the triangle ABC, or the relationship of line AB to point C.

[in]aVertex A. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bVertex B. [(x, y, z)]
[in]cVertex C. [(x, y, z)]
The signed xz-plane area of the triangle.

◆ dtVadd()

void AtomsUtils::dtVadd ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Performs a vector addition. (v1 + v2)

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1The base vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2The vector to add to v1. [(x, y, z)]

◆ dtVcopy()

void AtomsUtils::dtVcopy ( float *  dest,
const float *  a 

Performs a vector copy.

[out]destThe result. [(x, y, z)]
[in]aThe vector to copy. [(x, y, z)]

◆ dtVcross()

void AtomsUtils::dtVcross ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Derives the cross product of two vectors. (v1 x v2)

[out]destThe cross product. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1A Vector [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A vector [(x, y, z)]

◆ dtVdist()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT float AtomsUtils::dtVdist ( const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Returns the distance between two points.

[in]v1A point. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A point. [(x, y, z)]
The distance between the two points.

◆ dtVdist2D()

float AtomsUtils::dtVdist2D ( const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Derives the distance between the specified points on the xz-plane.

[in]v1A point. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A point. [(x, y, z)]
The distance between the point on the xz-plane.

The vectors are projected onto the xz-plane, so the y-values are ignored.

◆ dtVdist2DSqr()

float AtomsUtils::dtVdist2DSqr ( const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Derives the square of the distance between the specified points on the xz-plane.

[in]v1A point. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A point. [(x, y, z)]
The square of the distance between the point on the xz-plane.

◆ dtVdistSqr()

float AtomsUtils::dtVdistSqr ( const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Returns the square of the distance between two points.

[in]v1A point. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A point. [(x, y, z)]
The square of the distance between the two points.

◆ dtVdot()

float AtomsUtils::dtVdot ( const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Derives the dot product of two vectors. (v1 . v2)

[in]v1A Vector [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A vector [(x, y, z)]
The dot product.

◆ dtVdot2D()

float AtomsUtils::dtVdot2D ( const float *  u,
const float *  v 

Derives the dot product of two vectors on the xz-plane. (u . v)

[in]uA vector [(x, y, z)]
[in]vA vector [(x, y, z)]
The dot product on the xz-plane.

The vectors are projected onto the xz-plane, so the y-values are ignored.

◆ dtVequal()

bool AtomsUtils::dtVequal ( const float *  p0,
const float *  p1 

Performs a 'sloppy' colocation check of the specified points.

[in]p0A point. [(x, y, z)]
[in]p1A point. [(x, y, z)]
True if the points are considered to be at the same location.

Basically, this function will return true if the specified points are close enough to eachother to be considered colocated.

◆ dtVlen()

float AtomsUtils::dtVlen ( const float *  v)

Derives the scalar length of the vector.

[in]vThe vector. [(x, y, z)]
The scalar length of the vector.

◆ dtVlenSqr()

float AtomsUtils::dtVlenSqr ( const float *  v)

Derives the square of the scalar length of the vector. (len * len)

[in]vThe vector. [(x, y, z)]
The square of the scalar length of the vector.

◆ dtVlerp()

void AtomsUtils::dtVlerp ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2,
const float  t 

Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors. (v1 toward v2)

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, x)]
[in]v1The starting vector.
[in]v2The destination vector.
[in]tThe interpolation factor. [Limits: 0 <= value <= 1.0]

◆ dtVmad()

void AtomsUtils::dtVmad ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2,
const float  s 

Performs a scaled vector addition. (v1 + (v2 * s))

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1The base vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2The vector to scale and add to v1. [(x, y, z)]
[in]sThe amount to scale v2 by before adding to v1.

◆ dtVmax()

void AtomsUtils::dtVmax ( float *  mx,
const float *  v 

Selects the maximum value of each element from the specified vectors.

[in,out]mxA vector. (Will be updated with the result.) [(x, y, z)]
[in]vA vector. [(x, y, z)]

◆ dtVmin()

void AtomsUtils::dtVmin ( float *  mn,
const float *  v 

Selects the minimum value of each element from the specified vectors.

[in,out]mnA vector. (Will be updated with the result.) [(x, y, z)]
[in]vA vector. [(x, y, z)]

◆ dtVnormalize()

void AtomsUtils::dtVnormalize ( float *  v)

Normalizes the vector.

[in,out]vThe vector to normalize. [(x, y, z)]

◆ dtVperp2D()

float AtomsUtils::dtVperp2D ( const float *  u,
const float *  v 

Derives the xz-plane 2D perp product of the two vectors. (uz*vx - ux*vz)

[in]uThe LHV vector [(x, y, z)]
[in]vThe RHV vector [(x, y, z)]
The dot product on the xz-plane.

The vectors are projected onto the xz-plane, so the y-values are ignored.

◆ dtVscale()

void AtomsUtils::dtVscale ( float *  dest,
const float *  v,
const float  t 

Scales the vector by the specified value. (v * t)

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]vThe vector to scale. [(x, y, z)]
[in]tThe scaling factor.

◆ dtVset()

void AtomsUtils::dtVset ( float *  dest,
const float  x,
const float  y,
const float  z 

Sets the vector elements to the specified values.

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]xThe x-value of the vector.
[in]yThe y-value of the vector.
[in]zThe z-value of the vector.

◆ dtVsub()

void AtomsUtils::dtVsub ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Performs a vector subtraction. (v1 - v2)

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1The base vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2The vector to subtract from v1. [(x, y, z)]

◆ generateCurveSamples()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector<AtomsMath::Vector3> AtomsUtils::generateCurveSamples ( const AtomsUtils::Curve curve,
size_t  numSamples,
size_t  numPointPerSample,
double  sampleSpacing,
size_t  randNumPoint,
size_t  seed,
const AtomsMath::Vector3 &  randomSpace,
double  minDist,
const AtomsMath::Vector3 &  upVector,
const bool  returnTangentDirections,
std::vector< AtomsMath::Vector3 > &  sampleDirections 

Generate poisson samples.

curveinput curve
numSamplesnumber of samples along the curve
numPointPerSamplenumber of generated samples per curve sample along the normal
sampleSpacingdistance between generated samples
randNumPointadd a random number of generated samples
seedrandom seed
randomSpacerandom space
minDistthe minimum distance between generated samples
upVectorup vector
returnTangentDirectionsreturns tangent directions instead of normal directions
sampleDirectionsdirections for the generated samples

◆ generateDartThrowSamples()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector<AtomsMath::Vector3> AtomsUtils::generateDartThrowSamples ( const AtomsUtils::Mesh mesh,
const AtomsMath::Matrix &  meshMatrix,
float  defaultRadius,
float  maxRadius,
size_t  seed,
size_t  numSamples,
size_t  iterations = 10000,
bool  randomizeRadius = false,
AtomsUtils::Image densityMap = nullptr,
AtomsUtils::Image eraseMap = nullptr,
double  eraseThreshold = 1.0 

Generate poisson samples.

NumPointsmax number of samples
radiusDisk radius
shape0 circle, 1 square, 2 image
MinDistMinimum distance between samples
seedRandom seed
pixelsPixels of the black/white image used to reject points
numChannelsImage number of channels
imageWidthimage width
imageHeightimage height

◆ generatePoissonPoints()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT std::vector<AtomsMath::Vector3> AtomsUtils::generatePoissonPoints ( size_t  NumPoints,
float  radius,
int  NewPointsCount = 30,
short  shape = 0,
float  MinDist = -1.0f,
unsigned int  seed = 0,
const unsigned char *  pixels = nullptr,
short  numChannels = 3,
unsigned int  imageWidth = 0,
unsigned int  imageHeight = 0 

Generate poisson samples.

NumPointsmax number of samples
radiusDisk radius
shape0 circle, 1 square, 2 image
MinDistMinimum distance between samples
seedRandom seed
pixelsPixels of the black/white image used to reject points
numChannelsImage number of channels
imageWidthimage width
imageHeightimage height

◆ rcAbs()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::rcAbs ( a)

Returns the absolute value.

[in]aThe value.
The absolute value of the specified value.

◆ rcAddSpan()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcAddSpan ( rcContext ctx,
rcHeightfield hf,
const int  x,
const int  y,
const unsigned short  smin,
const unsigned short  smax,
const unsigned char  area,
const int  flagMergeThr 

Adds a span to the specified heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in,out]hfAn initialized heightfield.
[in]xThe width index where the span is to be added. [Limits: 0 <= value < rcHeightfield::width]
[in]yThe height index where the span is to be added. [Limits: 0 <= value < rcHeightfield::height]
[in]sminThe minimum height of the span. [Limit: < smax] [Units: vx]
[in]smaxThe maximum height of the span. [Limit: <= #RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT] [Units: vx]
[in]areaThe area id of the span. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA)
[in]flagMergeThrThe merge theshold. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]

◆ rcAlloc()

void* AtomsUtils::rcAlloc ( int  size,
rcAllocHint  hint 

Allocates a memory block.

[in]sizeThe size, in bytes of memory, to allocate.
[in]hintA hint to the allocator on how long the memory is expected to be in use.
A pointer to the beginning of the allocated memory block, or null if the allocation failed.
See also

◆ rcAllocClusterSet()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcClusterSet* AtomsUtils::rcAllocClusterSet ( )

Allocates a cluster set object using the Recast allocator.

A cluster set that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
See also
rcBuildClusters, rcFreeClusterSet

◆ rcAllocCompactHeightfield()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcCompactHeightfield* AtomsUtils::rcAllocCompactHeightfield ( )

Allocates a compact heightfield object using the Recast allocator.

A compact heightfield that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
See also
rcBuildCompactHeightfield, rcFreeCompactHeightfield

◆ rcAllocContourSet()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcContourSet* AtomsUtils::rcAllocContourSet ( )

Allocates a contour set object using the Recast allocator.

A contour set that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
See also
rcBuildContours, rcFreeContourSet

◆ rcAllocHeightfield()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcHeightfield* AtomsUtils::rcAllocHeightfield ( )

Allocates a heightfield object using the Recast allocator.

A heightfield that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
See also
rcCreateHeightfield, rcFreeHeightField

◆ rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcHeightfieldLayerSet* AtomsUtils::rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet ( )

Allocates a heightfield layer set using the Recast allocator.

A heightfield layer set that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
See also
rcBuildHeightfieldLayers, rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet

◆ rcAllocPolyMesh()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcPolyMesh* AtomsUtils::rcAllocPolyMesh ( )

Allocates a polygon mesh object using the Recast allocator.

A polygon mesh that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
See also
rcBuildPolyMesh, rcFreePolyMesh

◆ rcAllocPolyMeshDetail()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT rcPolyMeshDetail* AtomsUtils::rcAllocPolyMeshDetail ( )

Allocates a detail mesh object using the Recast allocator.

A detail mesh that is ready for initialization, or null on failure.
See also
rcBuildPolyMeshDetail, rcFreePolyMeshDetail

◆ rcAllocSetCustom()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcAllocSetCustom ( rcAllocFunc allocFunc,
rcFreeFunc freeFunc 

Sets the base custom allocation functions to be used by Recast.

[in]allocFuncThe memory allocation function to be used by rcAlloc
[in]freeFuncThe memory de-allocation function to be used by rcFree

◆ rcBuildClusters()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildClusters ( rcContext ctx,
rcContourSet cset,
rcClusterSet clusters 

Builds a cluster set from contours

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operaiton
[in]csetCountour set
[out]clustersResulting cluster set

◆ rcBuildCompactHeightfield()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildCompactHeightfield ( rcContext ctx,
const int  walkableHeight,
const int  walkableClimb,
rcHeightfield hf,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Builds a compact heightfield representing open space, from a heightfield representing solid space.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]walkableHeightMinimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
[in]walkableClimbMaximum ledge height that is considered to still be traversable. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in]hfThe heightfield to be compacted.
[out]chfThe resulting compact heightfield. (Must be pre-allocated.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildContours()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildContours ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf,
const float  maxError,
const int  maxEdgeLen,
rcContourSet cset,
const int  flags = RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES 

Builds a contour set from the region outlines in the provided compact heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]chfA fully built compact heightfield.
[in]maxErrorThe maximum distance a simplfied contour's border edges should deviate the original raw contour. [Limit: >=0] [Units: wu]
[in]maxEdgeLenThe maximum allowed length for contour edges along the border of the mesh. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[out]csetThe resulting contour set. (Must be pre-allocated.)
[in]buildFlagsThe build flags. (See: rcBuildContoursFlags)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildDistanceField()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildDistanceField ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Builds the distance field for the specified compact heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildHeightfieldLayers()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildHeightfieldLayers ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf,
const int  borderSize,
const int  walkableHeight,
rcHeightfieldLayerSet lset 

Builds a layer set from the specified compact heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]chfA fully built compact heightfield.
[in]borderSizeThe size of the non-navigable border around the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in]walkableHeightMinimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
[out]lsetThe resulting layer set. (Must be pre-allocated.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildHeightfieldLayersChunky()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildHeightfieldLayersChunky ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf,
const int  borderSize,
const int  walkableHeight,
const int  chunkSize,
rcHeightfieldLayerSet lset 

Builds a layer set from the specified compact heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]chfA fully built compact heightfield.
[in]borderSizeThe size of the non-navigable border around the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in]walkableHeightMinimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
[in]chunkSizeSize of chunk of subregion [Units: vx]
[out]lsetThe resulting layer set. (Must be pre-allocated.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildHeightfieldLayersMonotone()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildHeightfieldLayersMonotone ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf,
const int  borderSize,
const int  walkableHeight,
rcHeightfieldLayerSet lset 

Builds a layer set from the specified compact heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]chfA fully built compact heightfield.
[in]borderSizeThe size of the non-navigable border around the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in]walkableHeightMinimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
[out]lsetThe resulting layer set. (Must be pre-allocated.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildPolyMesh()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildPolyMesh ( rcContext ctx,
rcContourSet cset,
const int  nvp,
rcPolyMesh mesh 

Builds a polygon mesh from the provided contours.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]csetA fully built contour set.
[in]nvpThe maximum number of vertices allowed for polygons generated during the contour to polygon conversion process. [Limit: >= 3]
[out]meshThe resulting polygon mesh. (Must be re-allocated.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildPolyMeshDetail()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildPolyMeshDetail ( rcContext ctx,
const rcPolyMesh mesh,
const rcCompactHeightfield chf,
const float  sampleDist,
const float  sampleMaxError,
rcPolyMeshDetail dmesh 

Builds a detail mesh from the provided polygon mesh.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]meshA fully built polygon mesh.
[in]chfThe compact heightfield used to build the polygon mesh.
[in]sampleDistSets the distance to use when samping the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: wu]
[in]sampleMaxErrorThe maximum distance the detail mesh surface should deviate from heightfield data. [Limit: >=0] [Units: wu]
[out]dmeshThe resulting detail mesh. (Must be pre-allocated.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildRegions()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildRegions ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf,
const int  borderSize,
const int  minRegionArea,
const int  mergeRegionArea 

Builds region data for the heightfield using watershed partitioning.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.
[in]borderSizeThe size of the non-navigable border around the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in]minRegionAreaThe minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx].
[in]mergeRegionAreaAny regions with a span count smaller than this value will, if possible, be merged with larger regions. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildRegionsChunky()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildRegionsChunky ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf,
const int  borderSize,
const int  minRegionArea,
const int  mergeRegionArea,
const int  chunkSize 

Builds region data for the heightfield using simple monotone partitioning.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.
[in]borderSizeThe size of the non-navigable border around the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in]minRegionAreaThe minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx].
[in]mergeRegionAreaAny regions with a span count smaller than this value will, if possible, be merged with larger regions. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in]chunkSizeSize of subregion [Units: vx]
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcBuildRegionsMonotone()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcBuildRegionsMonotone ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf,
const int  borderSize,
const int  minRegionArea,
const int  mergeRegionArea 

Builds region data for the heightfield using simple monotone partitioning.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.
[in]borderSizeThe size of the non-navigable border around the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in]minRegionAreaThe minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx].
[in]mergeRegionAreaAny regions with a span count smaller than this value will, if possible, be merged with larger regions. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcCalcBounds()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcCalcBounds ( const float *  verts,
int  nv,
float *  bmin,
float *  bmax 

Calculates the bounding box of an array of vertices.

[in]vertsAn array of vertices. [(x, y, z) * nv]
[in]nvThe number of vertices in the verts array.
[out]bminThe minimum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
[out]bmaxThe maximum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]

◆ rcCalcGridSize()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcCalcGridSize ( const float *  bmin,
const float *  bmax,
float  cs,
int *  w,
int *  h 

Calculates the grid size based on the bounding box and grid cell size.

[in]bminThe minimum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
[in]bmaxThe maximum bounds of the AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
[in]csThe xz-plane cell size. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
[out]wThe width along the x-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
[out]hThe height along the z-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]

◆ rcClamp()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::rcClamp ( v,

Clamps the value to the specified range.

[in]vThe value to clamp.
[in]mnThe minimum permitted return value.
[in]mxThe maximum permitted return value.
The value, clamped to the specified range.

◆ rcClearUnwalkableTriangles()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcClearUnwalkableTriangles ( rcContext ctx,
const float  walkableSlopeAngle,
const float *  verts,
int  nv,
const int *  tris,
int  nt,
unsigned char *  areas 

Sets the area id of all triangles with a slope greater than or equal to the specified value to #RC_NULL_AREA.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]walkableSlopeAngleThe maximum slope that is considered walkable. [Limits: 0 <= value < 90] [Units: Degrees]
[in]vertsThe vertices. [(x, y, z) * nv]
[in]nvThe number of vertices.
[in]trisThe triangle vertex indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * nt]
[in]ntThe number of triangles.
[out]areasThe triangle area ids. [Length: >= nt]

◆ rcCopyPolyMesh()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcCopyPolyMesh ( rcContext ctx,
const rcPolyMesh src,
rcPolyMesh dst 

Copies the poly mesh data from src to dst.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]srcThe source mesh to copy from.
[out]dstThe resulting detail mesh. (Must be pre-allocated, must be empty mesh.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcCreateHeightfield()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcCreateHeightfield ( rcContext ctx,
rcHeightfield hf,
int  width,
int  height,
const float *  bmin,
const float *  bmax,
float  cs,
float  ch 

Initializes a new heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in,out]hfThe allocated heightfield to initialize.
[in]widthThe width of the field along the x-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
[in]heightThe height of the field along the z-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
[in]bminThe minimum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
[in]bmaxThe maximum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
[in]csThe xz-plane cell size to use for the field. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
[in]chThe y-axis cell size to use for field. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]

◆ rcErodeWalkableAndLowAreas()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcErodeWalkableAndLowAreas ( rcContext ctx,
int  radius,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned char  areaId,
unsigned char  filterFlags,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Erodes the walkable area within the heightfield by the specified radius. Additionally, it will mark all spans that are too low (rcMarkLowAreas)

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]radiusThe radius of erosion. [Limits: 0 < value < 255] [Units: vx]
[in]heightHeight threshold [Units: vx]
[in]areaIdThe area id to apply [Limit: <= @RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
[in]filterFlagsSee: rcFilterLowAreaFlags
[in,out]chfThe populated compact heightfield to erode.
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcErodeWalkableArea()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcErodeWalkableArea ( rcContext ctx,
int  radius,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Erodes the walkable area within the heightfield by the specified radius.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]radiusThe radius of erosion. [Limits: 0 < value < 255] [Units: vx]
[in,out]chfThe populated compact heightfield to erode.
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcFilterLedgeSpans()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFilterLedgeSpans ( rcContext ctx,
const int  walkableHeight,
const int  walkableClimb,
rcHeightfield solid 

Marks spans that are ledges as not-walkable.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]walkableHeightMinimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
[in]walkableClimbMaximum ledge height that is considered to still be traversable. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in,out]solidA fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)

◆ rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles ( rcContext ctx,
const int  walkableClimb,
rcHeightfield solid 

Marks non-walkable spans as walkable if their maximum is within walkableClimp of a walkable neighbor.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]walkableClimbMaximum ledge height that is considered to still be traversable. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
[in,out]solidA fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)

◆ rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans ( rcContext ctx,
int  walkableHeight,
rcHeightfield solid 

Marks walkable spans as not walkable if the clearance above the span is less than the specified height.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]walkableHeightMinimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
[in,out]solidA fully built heightfield. (All spans have been added.)

◆ rcFree()

void AtomsUtils::rcFree ( void *  ptr)

Deallocates a memory block.

[in]ptrA pointer to a memory block previously allocated using rcAlloc.
See also

◆ rcFreeClusterSet()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFreeClusterSet ( rcClusterSet clset)

Frees the specified cluster set using the Recast allocator.

[in]clsetA cluster set allocated using rcAllocClusterSet
See also

◆ rcFreeCompactHeightfield()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFreeCompactHeightfield ( rcCompactHeightfield chf)

Frees the specified compact heightfield object using the Recast allocator.

[in]chfA compact heightfield allocated using rcAllocCompactHeightfield
See also

◆ rcFreeContourSet()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFreeContourSet ( rcContourSet cset)

Frees the specified contour set using the Recast allocator.

[in]csetA contour set allocated using rcAllocContourSet
See also

◆ rcFreeHeightField()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFreeHeightField ( rcHeightfield hf)

Frees the specified heightfield object using the Recast allocator.

[in]hfA heightfield allocated using rcAllocHeightfield
See also

◆ rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet ( rcHeightfieldLayerSet lset)

Frees the specified heightfield layer set using the Recast allocator.

[in]lsetA heightfield layer set allocated using rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet
See also

◆ rcFreePolyMesh()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFreePolyMesh ( rcPolyMesh pmesh)

Frees the specified polygon mesh using the Recast allocator.

[in]pmeshA polygon mesh allocated using rcAllocPolyMesh
See also

◆ rcFreePolyMeshDetail()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcFreePolyMeshDetail ( rcPolyMeshDetail dmesh)

Frees the specified detail mesh using the Recast allocator.

[in]dmeshA detail mesh allocated using rcAllocPolyMeshDetail
See also

◆ rcGetCon()

int AtomsUtils::rcGetCon ( const rcCompactSpan s,
int  dir 

Gets neighbor connection data for the specified direction.

[in]sThe span to check.
[in]dirThe direction to check. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
The neighbor connection data for the specified direction, or #RC_NOT_CONNECTED if there is no connection.

◆ rcGetDirOffsetX()

int AtomsUtils::rcGetDirOffsetX ( int  dir)

Gets the standard width (x-axis) offset for the specified direction.

[in]dirThe direction. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
The width offset to apply to the current cell position to move in the direction.

◆ rcGetDirOffsetY()

int AtomsUtils::rcGetDirOffsetY ( int  dir)

Gets the standard height (z-axis) offset for the specified direction.

[in]dirThe direction. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
The height offset to apply to the current cell position to move in the direction.

◆ rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT int AtomsUtils::rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount ( rcContext ctx,
rcHeightfield hf 

Returns the number of spans contained in the specified heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]hfAn initialized heightfield.
The number of spans in the heightfield.

◆ rcMarkBoxArea()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcMarkBoxArea ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  bmin,
const float *  bmax,
unsigned char  areaId,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Applies an area id to all spans within the specified bounding box. (AABB)

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]bminThe minimum of the bounding box. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bmaxThe maximum of the bounding box. [(x, y, z)]
[in]areaIdThe area id to apply. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.

◆ rcMarkConvexPolyArea()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcMarkConvexPolyArea ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  verts,
const int  nverts,
const float  hmin,
const float  hmax,
unsigned char  areaId,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Applies the area id to the all spans within the specified convex polygon.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]vertsThe vertices of the polygon [Fomr: (x, y, z) * nverts]
[in]nvertsThe number of vertices in the polygon.
[in]hminThe height of the base of the polygon.
[in]hmaxThe height of the top of the polygon.
[in]areaIdThe area id to apply. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.

◆ rcMarkCylinderArea()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcMarkCylinderArea ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  pos,
const float  r,
const float  h,
unsigned char  areaId,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Applies the area id to all spans within the specified cylinder.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]posThe center of the base of the cylinder. [Form: (x, y, z)]
[in]rThe radius of the cylinder.
[in]hThe height of the cylinder.
[in]areaIdThe area id to apply. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.

◆ rcMarkLowAreas()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcMarkLowAreas ( rcContext ctx,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned char  areaId,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Marks all spans that have insufficient free space above

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.
[in]heightHeight threshold [Units: vx]
[in]areaIdThe area id to apply [Limit: <= @RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcMarkWalkableTriangles()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcMarkWalkableTriangles ( rcContext ctx,
const float  walkableSlopeAngle,
const float *  verts,
int  nv,
const int *  tris,
int  nt,
unsigned char *  areas 

Sets the area id of all triangles with a slope below the specified value to #RC_WALKABLE_AREA.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]walkableSlopeAngleThe maximum slope that is considered walkable. [Limits: 0 <= value < 90] [Units: Degrees]
[in]vertsThe vertices. [(x, y, z) * nv]
[in]nvThe number of vertices.
[in]trisThe triangle vertex indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * nt]
[in]ntThe number of triangles.
[out]areasThe triangle area ids. [Length: >= nt]

◆ rcMarkWalkableTrianglesCos()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcMarkWalkableTrianglesCos ( rcContext ctx,
const float  walkableSlopeCos,
const float *  verts,
int  nv,
const int *  tris,
int  nt,
unsigned char *  areas 

Sets the area id of all triangles with a slope below the specified value to #RC_WALKABLE_AREA.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]walkableSlopeCosThe cosine of maximum slope that is considered walkable. [Limits: 0 <= value < 1]
[in]vertsThe vertices. [(x, y, z) * nv]
[in]nvThe number of vertices.
[in]trisThe triangle vertex indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * nt]
[in]ntThe number of triangles.
[out]areasThe triangle area ids. [Length: >= nt]

◆ rcMax()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::rcMax ( a,

Returns the maximum of two values.

[in]aValue A
[in]bValue B
The maximum of the two values.

◆ rcMedianFilterWalkableArea()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcMedianFilterWalkableArea ( rcContext ctx,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Applies a median filter to walkable area types (based on area id), removing noise.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcMergePolyMeshDetails()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcMergePolyMeshDetails ( rcContext ctx,
rcPolyMeshDetail **  meshes,
const int  nmeshes,
rcPolyMeshDetail mesh 

Merges multiple detail meshes into a single detail mesh.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]meshesAn array of detail meshes to merge. [Size: nmeshes]
[in]nmeshesThe number of detail meshes in the meshes array.
[out]meshThe resulting detail mesh. (Must be pre-allocated.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcMergePolyMeshes()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::rcMergePolyMeshes ( rcContext ctx,
rcPolyMesh **  meshes,
const int  nmeshes,
rcPolyMesh mesh 

Merges multiple polygon meshes into a single mesh.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]meshesAn array of polygon meshes to merge. [Size: nmeshes]
[in]nmeshesThe number of polygon meshes in the meshes array.
[in]meshThe resulting polygon mesh. (Must be pre-allocated.)
True if the operation completed successfully.

◆ rcMin()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::rcMin ( a,

Returns the minimum of two values.

[in]aValue A
[in]bValue B
The minimum of the two values.

◆ rcOffsetPoly()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT int AtomsUtils::rcOffsetPoly ( const float *  verts,
const int  nverts,
const float  offset,
float *  outVerts,
const int  maxOutVerts 

Helper function to offset voncex polygons for rcMarkConvexPolyArea.

[in]vertsThe vertices of the polygon [Form: (x, y, z) * nverts]
[in]nvertsThe number of vertices in the polygon.
[out]outVertsThe offset vertices (should hold up to 2 * nverts) [Form: (x, y, z) * return value]
[in]maxOutVertsThe max number of vertices that can be stored to outVerts.
Number of vertices in the offset polygon or 0 if too few vertices in outVerts.

◆ rcRasterizeTriangle()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcRasterizeTriangle ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  v0,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2,
const unsigned char  area,
rcHeightfield solid,
const int  flagMergeThr = 1 

Rasterizes a triangle into the specified heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]v0Triangle vertex 0 [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1Triangle vertex 1 [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2Triangle vertex 2 [(x, y, z)]
[in]areaThe area id of the triangle. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
[in,out]solidAn initialized heightfield.
[in]flagMergeThrThe distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]

◆ rcRasterizeTriangles() [1/3]

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcRasterizeTriangles ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  verts,
const int  nv,
const int *  tris,
const unsigned char *  areas,
const int  nt,
rcHeightfield solid,
const int  flagMergeThr = 1,
const int  rasterizationFlags = 0 

Rasterizes an indexed triangle mesh into the specified heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]vertsThe vertices. [(x, y, z) * nv]
[in]nvThe number of vertices.
[in]trisThe triangle indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * nt]
[in]areasThe area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: nt]
[in]ntThe number of triangles.
[in,out]solidAn initialized heightfield.
[in]flagMergeThrThe distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
[in]intFlags to change the rasterization behavior

◆ rcRasterizeTriangles() [2/3]

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcRasterizeTriangles ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  verts,
const int  nv,
const unsigned short *  tris,
const unsigned char *  areas,
const int  nt,
rcHeightfield solid,
const int  flagMergeThr = 1,
const int  rasterizationFlags = 0 

Rasterizes an indexed triangle mesh into the specified heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]vertsThe vertices. [(x, y, z) * nv]
[in]nvThe number of vertices.
[in]trisThe triangle indices. [(vertA, vertB, vertC) * nt]
[in]areasThe area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: nt]
[in]ntThe number of triangles.
[in,out]solidAn initialized heightfield.
[in]flagMergeThrThe distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
[in]intFlags to change the rasterization behavior

◆ rcRasterizeTriangles() [3/3]

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcRasterizeTriangles ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  verts,
const unsigned char *  areas,
const int  nt,
rcHeightfield solid,
const int  flagMergeThr = 1 

Rasterizes triangles into the specified heightfield.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]vertsThe triangle vertices. [(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, by, cx) * nt]
[in]areasThe area id's of the triangles. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA] [Size: nt]
[in]ntThe number of triangles.
[in,out]solidAn initialized heightfield.
[in]flagMergeThrThe distance where the walkable flag is favored over the non-walkable flag. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]

◆ rcReplaceBoxArea()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcReplaceBoxArea ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  bmin,
const float *  bmax,
unsigned char  areaId,
unsigned char  filterAreaId,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Replaces an area id in spans with matching filter area within the specified bounding box. (AABB)

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]bminThe minimum of the bounding box. [(x, y, z)]
[in]bmaxThe maximum of the bounding box. [(x, y, z)]
[in]areaIdThe area id to apply. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.

◆ rcReplaceConvexPolyArea()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcReplaceConvexPolyArea ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  verts,
const int  nverts,
const float  hmin,
const float  hmax,
unsigned char  areaId,
unsigned char  filterAreaId,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Replaces an area id in spans with matching filter area within the specified convex polygon.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]vertsThe vertices of the polygon [Fomr: (x, y, z) * nverts]
[in]nvertsThe number of vertices in the polygon.
[in]hminThe height of the base of the polygon.
[in]hmaxThe height of the top of the polygon.
[in]areaIdThe area id to apply. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.

◆ rcReplaceCylinderArea()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcReplaceCylinderArea ( rcContext ctx,
const float *  pos,
const float  r,
const float  h,
unsigned char  areaId,
unsigned char  filterAreaId,
rcCompactHeightfield chf 

Replaces an area id in spans with matching filter area within the specified cylinder.

[in,out]ctxThe build context to use during the operation.
[in]posThe center of the base of the cylinder. [Form: (x, y, z)]
[in]rThe radius of the cylinder.
[in]hThe height of the cylinder.
[in]areaIdThe area id to apply. [Limit: <= #RC_WALKABLE_AREA]
[in,out]chfA populated compact heightfield.

◆ rcResetHeightfield()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT void AtomsUtils::rcResetHeightfield ( rcHeightfield hf)

Resets all spans of heightfield.

[in,out]hfThe heightfield to reset.
[in]bminThe minimum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
[in]bmaxThe maximum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
[in,out]hfThe heightfield toreset.

◆ rcSetCon()

void AtomsUtils::rcSetCon ( rcCompactSpan s,
int  dir,
int  i 

Sets the neighbor connection data for the specified direction.

[in]sThe span to update.
[in]dirThe direction to set. [Limits: 0 <= value < 4]
[in]iThe index of the neighbor span.

◆ rcSqr()

template<class T >
T AtomsUtils::rcSqr ( a)

Returns the square of the value.

[in]aThe value.
The square of the value.

◆ rcSqrt()

float AtomsUtils::rcSqrt ( float  x)

Returns the square root of the value.

[in]xThe value.
The square root of the vlaue.

◆ rcSwap()

template<class T >
void AtomsUtils::rcSwap ( T &  a,
T &  b 

Swaps the values of the two parameters.

[in,out]aValue A
[in,out]bValue B

◆ rcVadd()

void AtomsUtils::rcVadd ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Performs a vector addition. (v1 + v2)

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1The base vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2The vector to add to v1. [(x, y, z)]

◆ rcVcopy()

void AtomsUtils::rcVcopy ( float *  dest,
const float *  v 

Performs a vector copy.

[out]destThe result. [(x, y, z)]
[in]vThe vector to copy. [(x, y, z)]

◆ rcVcross()

void AtomsUtils::rcVcross ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Derives the cross product of two vectors. (v1 x v2)

[out]destThe cross product. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1A Vector [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A vector [(x, y, z)]

◆ rcVdist()

float AtomsUtils::rcVdist ( const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Returns the distance between two points.

[in]v1A point. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A point. [(x, y, z)]
The distance between the two points.

◆ rcVdistSqr()

float AtomsUtils::rcVdistSqr ( const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Returns the square of the distance between two points.

[in]v1A point. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A point. [(x, y, z)]
The square of the distance between the two points.

◆ rcVdot()

float AtomsUtils::rcVdot ( const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Derives the dot product of two vectors. (v1 . v2)

[in]v1A Vector [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2A vector [(x, y, z)]
The dot product.

◆ rcVmad()

void AtomsUtils::rcVmad ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2,
const float  s 

Performs a scaled vector addition. (v1 + (v2 * s))

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1The base vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2The vector to scale and add to v1. [(x, y, z)]
[in]sThe amount to scale v2 by before adding to v1.

◆ rcVmax()

void AtomsUtils::rcVmax ( float *  mx,
const float *  v 

Selects the maximum value of each element from the specified vectors.

[in,out]mxA vector. (Will be updated with the result.) [(x, y, z)]
[in]vA vector. [(x, y, z)]

◆ rcVmin()

void AtomsUtils::rcVmin ( float *  mn,
const float *  v 

Selects the minimum value of each element from the specified vectors.

[in,out]mnA vector. (Will be updated with the result.) [(x, y, z)]
[in]vA vector. [(x, y, z)]

◆ rcVnormalize()

void AtomsUtils::rcVnormalize ( float *  v)

Normalizes the vector.

[in,out]vThe vector to normalize. [(x, y, z)]

◆ rcVsub()

void AtomsUtils::rcVsub ( float *  dest,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Performs a vector subtraction. (v1 - v2)

[out]destThe result vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v1The base vector. [(x, y, z)]
[in]v2The vector to subtract from v1. [(x, y, z)]

◆ sphereRayIntersect()

ATOMSUTILS_EXPORT bool AtomsUtils::sphereRayIntersect ( const AtomsMath::Vector3 &  dir,
const AtomsMath::Vector3 &  orig,
const AtomsMath::Vector3 &  center,
const double  radius,
double &  t0,
double &  t1 

Sphere ray intersector.

dirRay direction
origRay origin
centerSphere center
radiusSphere radius
t0First intersection (parametric coordinate)
t1Second intersection (parametric coordinate)
True if there is at least one intersection