Atoms Realtime (RT) brings Atoms Crowd technology in game engines such as Unreal Engine.
Atoms Realtime lets you simulate inside supported apps, no license is needed for cache displaying.
Please check the FAQ here.

Image courtesy of Netflix
Skeleton Instancing And Abstract Skeletons
Atoms Realtime is the first commercial solution in Unreal supporting Skeleton instancing.
In addition Atoms Realtime supports characters with any number of joints and legs.
Production And Game Ready
Atoms is ready to be integrated in your own games and apps!
Supported platforms: Nintendo Switch™, XBox™, iOS, Android, Windows, MacOs, Linux. Please get in touch for any unlisted platform.
Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo
XBox is a trademark of Microsoft

Image courtesy of Keelworks LTD

Frame from animated feature film – RIFT, courtesy of HaZimation LTD
Animation Quality
The simulation is completely skeleton based for great animation quality!
No particles! Atoms fully simulates the agent skeletons and only display the agents in the viewport.
Full control on every single entity in the simulation!
Do you like playing with Blueprint?
Can you write C++ plug-ins?
If the answer is yes, you can unlock a whole new world within Atoms Realtime.

Image courtesy of Mayhem Mirror Studios

Hybrid Workflow
Atoms supports multiple softwares and each integration shares the same workflow!
You can easily share data between all Atoms supported applications.