Atoms Unreal Enters Release Candidate Stage

The open beta for AtomsUnreal has ended and the plugin is now moving to a Release Candidate stage!
The beta has been running successfully for several months and we were able to add many new features thanks to our users.
During the Beta many great features have been added:
- iOS & macOS support
- USD cache exporter
- Massmotion caches support
- Unreal navigation mesh support
- Realtime animation retargeting
- Materials driven by metadatas
- Huge performance improvement
- Simulation optimizations
- Much more
AtomsUnreal remains the only solution capable of instancing skeletal meshes on the GPU and achieving great animation quality within Unreal Engine.
With the end of the open beta a few important changes take place:
Please check out our updated pricing for more details.
Please find some useful links below:
Release notes for AtomsUnreal 1.9.0.
Updated Pricing.
New Buy page.
You can ask questions on Atoms google group.
FAQ page.
See you around!