bool | compute (const AtomsGraph::ComputeData *computeData) |
| Compute function.
void | reset () |
| Operator reset function.
void | resetTime () |
OutputData & | outputPortData (size_t index) |
size_t | numOutputPorts () const |
void | setLocomotionTriangles (const std::vector< AtomsUtils::Triangle2 > &triangles) |
void | setSkipTriangles (const std::set< int > &skipTriangles) |
void | setMaxAngularAcceleration (const double value) |
void | setMaxLinearAcceleration (const double value) |
void | setLinearAverageNumFrames (const int value) |
void | setAngularAverageNumFrames (const int value) |
void | setForcedUnsyncedClips (const bool value) |
bool | isReadyToTransition (const OutputData &clipData, double frameStep) |
bool | isReadyToTransition (double frameRate=1.0, bool checkTransitionFrames=true, bool checkForceTransition=true) |
void | advanceSingleClip (double timeStep, double frameStep, bool randomClip=false) |
double | computeBlendInOffset (double frameRate, bool checkTransitionFrames=true) |
void | computeBlendInOffsetInPlace (double frameRate, bool checkTransitionFrames=true) |
double | getBlendInOffset () |
void | prepareForBlendIn (double offset, double timeStep) |
bool | isBlendInStage (double offset, unsigned int blend) |
bool | isBlendOutStage (double &frameDifference, unsigned int blend) |
double | computeBlendInWeight (double offset, unsigned int blend) |
double | computeBlendOutWeight (unsigned int blend) |
void | setUpBlendOutFrame (double offset, double timeStep) |
bool | isBlendOutFinished (unsigned int blend) |
void | initSubState (double frame) |
bool | hasClips () |
void | checkAndPlayUnsynced (const int syncedMajorId, const double deltaTime, double &useClipDirection) |
void | buildNetwork (const AtomsPtr< Atoms::StateMachine > &stateMachine, const Atoms::AnimationState &state, std::map< std::string, std::string > &clipToAgentTypeNames, std::mutex &mutex, const double timeOffset, AtomsCore::Rand32 *idRandom) |
void | buildNetwork (const Atoms::LocomotionCPtr &loco, const double timeOffset) |
WaitingState | waitingState () |
const AtomsCore::Vector2f & | currentPosition () |
const AtomsCore::Vector2f & | getInputPosition () |
const AtomsCore::Vector2f & | getUnsyncPosition () |
const AtomsCore::Vector3f & | barycentricCoordinates () |
const AtomsUtils::Triangle2 & | currentTriangle () |
const int | unsyncedClipId () |
const bool | forceUnsyncedClips () |
void | reset () |
| Operator reset function.
void | setFps (double fps) |
void | setDoNotAdvanceClips (const bool value) |
AgentBehaviourNetwork & | network () |
unsigned int | blendIn () |
unsigned int | blendOut () |
bool | isOneShot () |
bool | needLockDirectionForTurning () |
virtual std::string | typeStr () const =0 |
| Type string. More...
virtual unsigned int | typeId () const =0 |
| Type id. More...
| Operator () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~Operator () |
| Destructor.
const AtomsCore::Pose & | pose () |
| Get output pose.
AtomsGraph::PosePort * | outPosePort () |
| Get output pose port.
virtual short | baseNodeType () const |
| Base node type.
const AtomsCore::SkeletonLod * | skeletonLod () const |
| Return the active skeleton sim lod data.
virtual void | computeFullPose (AtomsCore::Pose &FullPose) |
virtual void | partialPose (AtomsCore::Pose &FullPose, const std::vector< unsigned short > &jointIds, bool copyMetadata) |
| AgentNode () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~AgentNode () |
| Destructor.
Agent * | agent () |
| Get agent.
void | setAgent (Agent *agent) |
| Set agent.
| Node () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~Node () |
| Destructor.
virtual Node * | clone ()=0 |
| clone object More...
void | addInputPort (Port *port) |
| Adds input port.
template<class T > |
T * | getInputPort (const std::string &name) |
| Gets input port.
Port * | getInputPort (const std::string &name) |
| Gets the input port with the given name.
void | removeInputPort (const std::string &name) |
| Removes the input port with the given name.
std::vector< std::string > | getInputPortNames () const |
| Gets all input port names.
port_iterator | inputPortBegin () |
| Inputs port begin iterator.
port_iterator | inputPortEnd () |
| Inputs port end iterator.
const_port_iterator | inputPortCBegin () const |
| Input port begin iterator.
const_port_iterator | inputPortCEnd () const |
| Input port end iterator.
size_t | numInputPorts () const |
| Gets number of input ports.
void | addOutputPort (Port *port) |
| Adds output port.
template<class T > |
T * | getOutputPort (const std::string &name) |
| Gets the output port with the given name.
Port * | getOutputPort (const std::string &name) |
| Gets the output port with the given name.
void | removeOutputPort (const std::string &name) |
| Removes the output port with the given name.
std::vector< std::string > | getOutputPortNames () const |
| Gets all output port names.
port_iterator | outputPortBegin () |
| Output port begin iterator.
port_iterator | outputPortEnd () |
| Output port end iterator.
const_port_iterator | outputPortCBegin () const |
| Output port begin iterator.
const_port_iterator | outputPortCEnd () const |
| Output port end iterator.
size_t | numOutputPorts () const |
| Gets number of output ports.
void | setDirty (bool value) |
| Sets node dirty state.
bool | isDirty () const |
| Returns true if the node is dirty.
void | setDirtyFlag () |
| This set node dirty without propagate the dirty to the connected nodes.
const std::string & | name () const |
| Gets the node name.
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
| Sets the node name.
void | setProfileTime (size_t value) |
| Set the profile time.
size_t | profileTime () const |
| Get the profile time.