std::string | name |
short | constraintType |
bool | enableCollision |
bool | driveLimitsAreForces |
bool | improveSlerp |
bool | disablePreprocessing |
bool | enableExtendedLimits |
bool | enableProjection |
float | projectionLinearTollerance |
float | projectionAngularTollerance |
bool | enableSpring |
float | stiffness |
float | damping |
float | restitution |
float | bounceThreshold |
bool | enableLimit |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | limit |
bool | breakable |
AtomsCore::Vector2f | breakForce |
bool | enableMinDistance |
float | minDistance |
bool | enableMaxDistance |
float | maxDistance |
float | tollerance |
bool | enableDrive |
bool | enableFreeSpin |
float | driveVelocity |
float | driveForceLimit |
float | driveGearRatio |
short | linearMotionX |
short | linearMotionY |
short | linearMotionZ |
short | angularMotionX |
short | angularMotionY |
short | angularMotionZ |
bool | enableDistanceLimit |
bool | enableTwistLimit |
bool | enableSwingLimit |
bool | enablePyramidLimit |
AtomsCore::Vector2f | distanceLimit |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | twistLimit |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | swingLimit |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | pyramidYSwingLimit |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | pyramidZSwingLimit |
bool | enableLinearXLimit |
bool | enableLinearYLimit |
bool | enableLinearZLimit |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | linearXlimit |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | linearYlimit |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | linearZlimit |
bool | enableXLimitSpring |
bool | enableYLimitSpring |
bool | enableZLimitSpring |
float | xLimitStiffnessSpring |
float | xLimitDampingSpring |
float | xLimitRestitutionSpring |
float | xLimitBounceThresholdSpring |
float | yLimitStiffnessSpring |
float | yLimitDampingSpring |
float | yLimitRestitutionSpring |
float | yLimitBounceThresholdSpring |
float | zLimitStiffnessSpring |
float | zLimitDampingSpring |
float | zLimitRestitutionSpring |
float | zLimitBounceThresholdSpring |
Drive | drive [6] |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | driveLinearVelocity |
AtomsCore::Vector3f | driveAngularVelocity |
AtomsCore::Matrixf | drivePose |
static const size_t | version |
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